B. Releasing YourPotential
(I) Discovering Your Potentials When you begin to seeopportunities in an obstacle; the reason for the obstacle will begin to releaseovercoming ideas Discover who and what you are. What has God assigned you to doon planet earth? This is what we have tried to lead you into in the previouschapters.
(Ii) Uncovering Your Influential - "Influentials" are those things or people thatinfluence or impinge on your life. They will definitely affect your potentialspositively or negatively. So you must uncover them so that you can manage themfor good – for the development of your potentials
PEOPLE: What type ofpeople do you move with and what contributory effect or distributive effect,deductible or inductive effects do they supply to your potentials? Intransforming your potential people are necessary and influential. You mustuncover the right kind of positive influence your potential needs and allowthem and disallow those negative influences or people.
PLACES: Your environment may have due or undue influence onthe development of your potential. Even plants and animals thrive under certainclimatic environment.
RESOURCES: You need some raw material or resources toexplore these potential. The availability, quantity, quality of these materialswill influence your potentials. You must uncover them
ASSOCIATION: the kind of association you keep whetherpositive or negative will have great influence on your potentials
EDUCATION: Most of the tools you need to work on yourpotentials come from your level of education and exposure to these influentialPROBLEMS: To solve problems, you don't avoid or run away from them. You mustuncover and deal with them progressively or they will cause delays and createbottlenecks here and there.
(iii) RECOVERING YOUR DIFFERENTIALS Being handicapis not a limitation per se. Old age is not just a limitation or that your timehas expired. Retirement is not just that you are tired. There can be abilityeven in disability Differentials are those things your lack, the minuses orloss that your potential need. Narrow the gap between you and your potentials –the difference between you (the person) and you (as per your innate abilities).Transform yourself so as to confront these divine deposits in you. Emotionally,psychologically and physically you have to wise-up, size–up so as to meet theneeds of your potentials. Your potentials may be tied to your destiny and youneed training, education, people and other resources to explore and exploitthem. Recover whatever loss or insufficiency that set a high differentialbetween you and your potentials. What are you supposed to have or do that youdon't have or have not done? Deal with this feat call disadvantage. Face thisminus (-). Stand vertically to it. Run a line on it from top to bottom or northto south and it will become a plus (+) in your life.
"Dis-advan-t-age"-Critically look at the syllabi or parts of this word
Dis = Subtraction or remove, unfavorable
Advance =Increase or rise, move forward
T-age = Length ofexistence i.e. to say that disadvantage involves long or old increasedunfavorable condition. You can change the tide in your favor. Zacchaeus caseexemplified this (Luke 19:1-10). He was disadvantaged in height. To overcomethe crowd and get what he wanted, he CLIMBED A TREE. Plant a tree today foryou'll need it tomorrow to climb to/and see greater heights. You can createsuccess out of failure. You can create gain out of loss. You can createabundance out of lack. You can create promotion out of demotion. You can createadvantage out of disadvantage. Rise above the storm. Be above and not under thecircumstances. Someone said, "if you are planning for one year plant a wheat.If you are planning for ten years, plant a tree but if you are planning for lifethen train people". A child nourished, nurtured and trained up by a Father willpay back the Father in the same coin when he matures and the Father has grownolder and weaker. Prepare for the rainy day now. Sickness is a minus.Non-achievement is a disadvantage. Failure, loss, demotion, lack are alldisadvantages. You can create success out of failure. You can create gain outof loss. You can
create abundance out of lack. You can create promotion outof demotion. You can create advantage out of disadvantage. Rise above thestorm. Be above and not under the circumstances.
IV ACTIVATING YOUR ESSENTIALS Essentials are the tools youmust have to harness your potential. These tools must be activated or theirperformance accelerated or enhanced. It is not all tools that are necessaryhence concentrate on the essentials and activate them. Excluding the God ofprovidence partially or completely from your life's configuration and design islike the exclusion of a thermostat from a thermodynamic system. God brings in aperfect balance, accurate timing and timely control into any thriving andsurviving system For every destiny or potentials comes a destiny proof producer(someone or something God will used to bring out the best in you). For everyElisha and an increased portion there is an Elijah, the enforcer. For everyJoshua, the warlord, there is a Moses, the facilitator. For every Timothy, theearlier achiever, there is an experienced and knowledgeable Paul. The king isthe protégé of the kingmakers.
IDENTIFYING YOUR GOD SENT DAVIDS: This David could be aproblem – great inventions and discoveries came from solving problems; a Davidperson – power of transference of whatever (wealth, technology, ideas etc.)came from association with right people; a David place, environment caninfluence positively or negatively; a David circumstance; a David situation ora David people Meeting people: Iron sharpens iron. No one is an island. Thereare people God has planted on your way to help you. There are Moses' that willbring you out of oblivion, obscurity, inactiveness or oddity. There are Joshuasto follow up by redressing you to conquer your environment, your weakness andstrength on your way to harnessing your potentials. You must make these peoplerelevant to yourself. Allow God-sent Davids. Don't ignore or scare them away.You will need people, who know what you don't know, who have what you don'thave or who have done what you have not done for they are better prepared.Sponsors: You must activate your sponsors. Harnessing your potential is anenormous project and will need capital. Money is a strong defense. Money thebible says, "answers all things". As much as finance you need someone to directyou. Consultants: You will need experts related to your area of calling in lifeto direct you. Not just anybody. They will put things right and not anyhow. Themusician will need a producer, a teacher will need an educator, and the scholaror student will need a teacher. The sheep will need a shepherd. A young pastorwill need experienced pastor. Every Elisha will need an Elijah to be. Activateyour consultants. Association: Here you have to activate what I call horizontaland vertical interaction in associations. To harness your potential you relatewith those of like minds or calling – both those more experienced or above you(vertical) and those on same level (horizontal) your interactions will alsoneed meeting or getting involved with established organization in your area –Governmental or non-governmental organizations e.g. UNESCO, UNIDO, Religiousbodies etc. Whatever is essential must be made functional, active, reliable andvalid too.
Some of your influential may not be your essentials butdefinitely some are and must be activated or reactivated. Essentials vary fromone potential to the other. There are things that are basic to harnessing yourpeculiar potentials and must be discovered and put to active use. There areMoses' that will bring you out of oblivion, obscurity, inactiveness or oddity.There are Joshuas to follow up by redressing you to conquer your environment,your weakness and strength on your way to harnessing your potentials. You mustmake these people relevant to yourself. Allow God-sent David's. Don't ignore orscare them away