Is that a yes?

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DJ: Will you go out with me sometime?


Jazzy: Umm...

Alex: Girl say yes you know you want to!

Kay: Yeah what she said.

They were peeking around the corner

Jazzy: Okay! When?

DJ: How about Saturday? 7:30?

Jazzy: Perfect. Well I have to head home. Don't want to walk home in the dark.

DJ: Are you sure? I can drive you home of you want.

Jazzy: No it's okay. I'm gonna walk home with the girls because we're staying at Alex's house. Thanks though. It's sweet that you care!

DJ: No prob. Just want to keep my girl safe!

Jazzy: *blushes* Well byee

DJ: Bye ;)

Alex's House

Kay: Sooooo you excited about your date Saturday Jazzy?

Alex: Can we NOT talk about that?

Kay: What's your problem?

Alex: That's all we've been talking about all weekend. DJ this, DJ that.

Jazzy: What are you trying to say?

Alex: Look I think that kid is bad news. I just don't want you to get hurt.

Jazzy: Yeah but you were the main one telling me to say yes to him. How much sense does that make Alex?

Kay: Umm I think we should all chill.

Alex: No Kay, she thinks I'm jealous or something, don't you?

Jazzy: Did those words ever come out of my mouth Alex? Huh? Did they? No, didn't think so.

Alex: You know what shut up! I'm trying to be here for you and you want to sit here and get mad at me for it? I'm going downstairs.


Alex: *on her phone* Look DJ I like you and all, but you're going on a date with my best friend.

DJ: But I love you Alex. It can be our little secret.

Alex: Aww boo! That's so sweet!

DJ: Well where's Jazzy anyway?

Alex: She's upstairs, I was trying to get her to not go out with you.

DJ: Don't do that!

Alex: But I want you to my self.

DJ: Well I want my cake and I want to eat it too l. I'm gonna have both of you.

Alex: Fine, I gtg.

DJ: Bye ily!

Alex: Yeah whatever ninja. I'm just kidding ily2.

Alex goes back upstairs

Alex: I'm sorry. I was just jealous but you should go with him Jazzy.

Jazzy: Thanks, I was wondering what was going on with you.

Kay: Aww we all made up! Now let's watch some old school disney!

Jazzy: Okayyyyyy *ghetto voice*

They watch movies all night until they all fall asleep.

Fight Night Compton Livin' part 2Where stories live. Discover now