Talking helps

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They continued to fight for about 10 minutes until they heard the door slam downstairs.

AM (Alex's mom): Lex? You okay up there?

Alex: Uh yeah mom! I'm good. I just um.. Fell.

Jazzy had her hands around Alex's throat when her mom got home and was contemplating whether she should let go or not.

When she decided to let go, she went downstairs.

Jazzy: Bye Mrs. Davis. You probably won't be seeing me anytime soon.

Mrs. Davis: And why is that?

Jazzy: I just have trust issues with some people right now. Sorry.

Mrs. Davis: Well I hope it gets better sweetie.

Jazzy: Yeah... Me too.

Mrs. Davis: Well give me a hug and I'll let you be on your way!

Jazzy: Okay. I'll miss you. Thanks for everything.

Mrs. Davis: It's the least I can do.

Jazzy's POV

Omg!!!!!! I can't believe she did that to me! I was walking and kicking down every trash can I passed. I didn't know where I was planning on going but when I saw the park I decided to stop there and talk to my mom.

Jazzy: Mom? I miss you sooo much. Why would she do that to me? She was supposed to be my best friend. She was talking about me... Trying to get him to hurt me sooner. I know you told me never to hate anyone, but I hate her. I hate her soo much. I'll get over DJ. He's a dude, their supposed to be players. They come around like the bus. Miss one, catch the next one later. But my so called "bff", I'll never forgive her. I love you mom. I love you too dad. Rip.

And with that I ran. Ran all the way home. It was only about 2 blocks but I sped my fastest over there.

When I got home I called Da'Von and he told me it would be okay. I'm glad I have him, but he went out of town this morning because his grandma was in the hospital.

After I talked to him, I called Kay and told her the whole story. She was furious. She told me to come over to talk about it.

At Kay's house

Kay: Ugh! I knew something was up with her! She's such a therm!

Jazzy: What the heck is a therm?

Kay: Emmanuel and Phillip Hudson made a video about it. It means thirsty. Dang girl keep up! I'm trying to vent about my feelings.

Jazzy: My bad guh.

Kay: It's okay. I'm not gonna talk to her anymore. I can't believe she did that. We need to go jump her!

Jazzy: Um no. I already beat her up. We'll just have to see what happens at school on monday.


A/N: sorry it's so short guys. I didn't really know what to right an its 1:47 in the morning so I'm tired. Hope you enjoyed! The next one will be better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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