One More Werefolf

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Still asleep I hear my alarm clock, ohh why? It's 8?I feel like I fall asleep 3-4 minutes ago. Can I sleep just 10 minutes more?? No I know I can't cause I must go to school, I wasn't yesterday, but I'll go today. Plus I must talk with Scott today.

I climbed out of the bed and still sleepy I got ready, I got out of the house and went to the bus stop, after I cough bus, I went to school. I was late, it was 9:05. Our lessons start at 9:00am.

Our first class was Chemistry, with Mr Harris. He's my headteacher too, but I don't really like him. So I went to the chemistry's classroom, there are Issac, Lydia, Stiles and other guys of the class, but there wasn't Scott, umm where is he? We should talk today.. But there isn't Mr Harris too! Yess, I'm not late! But then Mr Harris got into the classroom and I still wasn't on my chair so okay I'm late..

Miss. HENRY. Why are you late again? And why weren't you at school yesterday? Reason? '' - he asked me

Ohh, sorry Mr Harris, I lost the bus. '' - I said

Again? Always when you are late, you lost the bus, but never mind. Okay, why weren't you at school yesterday? '' - he asked me again, okay I can't tell him my true story so I'll lie on him.

Uhh, I was sick, I had temperature '' - I said fast

Mm, I'm not believing you, but okay, take a seat '' - he told me.

Before the lunch break start I had a text message.. Umm yess of Scott

Scott to Ali

I couldn't come to school, meet me on the lacrosse's field for 10 minutes, we need to talk.

Okay, On the lunch break I went to lacrosse's field and I was waiting for Scott here. What's the matter? I really don't know, I'm worried now. I saw Scott after 5 minutes. He's coming. He isn't look very good, I thought.

Hey, Ali I have really important things to tell you''-he said

What? '' - I asked

Yesterday night, I was in the woods with Stiles, his dad came and he find Stiles and took him home, I was hiding, than when I was alone, there came something really weird thing, it was like big wolf, of something like that, and it... It bite me. I'm feeling weird after that,and the bite, it's very hurts, ahh''-he said in pain

OMG WHY? WHY SCOTT? I was turned into werefolf cause Derek must do it on me for save my life, but Scotty? Why him? Then, I told him my all story, and he looked me surprised.

You think now I'm werefolf too? '' - he asked me slowly

Yup''-I said to him

When will be next full moon? '' - he asked me

For three days. Derek told me, he will help us''-I told him, when I mentioned Derek, Scott gave me a look

He will help you, not me, he's a killer, there was founded a body in his house, and You think Derek Hale really love you, you think he can feel love? '' - he asked me

Yes,I'm not think, I know, he told me, that body was his sister's body, and he didn't kill her, je found her in pieces, and if you don't want his help than okay, help yourself, alone''-I whispered and I leave him angry so I went to my classroom.

I went to music's classroom and after our Classes, I got out of school, and familiar voice spoke behind me. I know. Derek. I turn on to him, Yes I'm right, it was Derek.

Heyy D''-I said

Hey little beauty, how was your day?''-he asked me

Ohh, awesome, but, I have something to tell you, I need your help, again''-I said

What's the matter, Ali? '' - he said but I can see in his eyes, he was worried.

No, don't worry, umm, I want your help, My cousin, Scott he was bite by werefolf, and he has all symptoms for werefolf, and he didn't want somebody to help him, but I must do anything. ''-I said

No matter that he doesn't want, I'll help him, don't worry Ali''-he said

Aww thank you D''-I said and he pulled me into a big comfortable hug, okay his hugs are always comfortable.

He take my hand and put me in his car, than, he drove away, when we arrived to my home, we climbed out of his car, and we get into my home, my mum left, and I'll be alone for one week again, sometimes I feel like Derek reads my mind cause he say:

You won't be allone, I'll be here, little beauty''

Aww really?''-I said surprised

Yes, and sometimes we'll go to my house, I asked your mum he agreed, I feel she like me''-he said

It's true, she really like you, she thought that I'll never find boyfriend for me''-I said

We took a shower together, and then I took my pyjamas on, and Derek was just in pants, ohh sexy!!

I know, that I'm the best boyfriend in the world''-he said laughing

The word Narcissism is created for you D''-I said in laugh too

After we laughed, we climbed to my bad, and I pulled my head on his chest, and he quickly kiss me on lips, and I kiss him back, tham cause I was really tired, I fall asleep very fast

Hey, guys how are you today? I hope you enjoy in the chapter, I'll update soon,
Love you

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