What makes me me

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What make me for who i am now

is the person thats quiet,shy,bookworm,writer,

singer,dancer,anime watcher,lazy,mean,bad,

short temper,and different from other girls thats

what makes me who i am today, i dont take

crap from fake people

i dont care if people dont care about me

they can hate for all i care

what makes who i am today is i have a

bae that not many knows about

the one person that i can trust is

my best friend kira

i trust her with all my secrets and

i believe she will never betray

me not like my other friends

that makes me

i have a hard time trying

to get along with

people but people sees me as

nothing but a monster

i dont have many friends

but i dont care if i dont

have many friends i'm a

loner i have always been a loner

i'm an outcast to the

world nobody would ever

want to talk to a monster

i have friends that care about me

but i just feel lonely i thought

friends suppose to make you

happy but all i feel is sadness i dont

know why i feel sadness

i be mean to people but do

i mean tot be mean to people

or i do feel like i need to be

mean to people.

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