Feeling deep inside

18 2 0

Fake smiles fake laughs
Yet deep down inside she doesn't feel like she belongs she feels out of place
She feels like she doesn't deserve to live
She Smiles and say she fine but deep down she knows she hurting
No one understand what's wrong with her
Though all her pain she continue to smile no matter what
No matter how much pain she been though she still smile and laughs but everyone that cares about her worried a lot about her but she lies and says she fine when honestly she not fine

What can she do? She crying for the help but this unbreakelable prison is keeping her from getting the help she needs so she just cut onto her skin and watch herself bleed...she continue to cry out for help but no one comes for her help....

She slowly fading away and slowly dying in the inside but suddenly she just disappears what if she were to disappear would anyone care or would they not care? Honestly she doesn't care even if she were to disappear no one will notice the difference if she missing or not......

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