Chapter 18. Surprise & Love Bites

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~ 2 Days Later ~

- Jasmine's P.O.V -

These two days has been the hottest since summer started. I have the air on but I'm still dying from the heat ! I'm bored as hell and I have nothing to do. After what I said you'd probably say 'Why don't you go out with someone or something like that ?' Well, here's why I'm home alone, bored and so on ...............

Niall's in Ireland visiting his family and he will come back tomorrow. I didn't go with him because I had an interview for a job, they accepted me but then I decided that I don't want to work in this term since my parents send me a lot of money, so I already have enough. Maybe after 2 or 3 years, I'll get a job and start working.

Now, back to where I stopped. Jessica and Harry are in Paris. Liam and Danielle are on yacht and they won't come back until Tuesday because Liam is gonna surprise her by proposing to her ;) . Zayn is in Bradford. Perrie and Eleanor are at work. Louis and his family are at their lake house. That's why I'm bored as hell :/ .

After a good 10 minutes of thinking, I got off the couch to start cleaning up the house. (A/N: hey that rhymed :p !)

First, I finished the living room. Next, the bathrooms. Then, the guest rooms and my room. Finally, the kitchen.

I climbed the stairs and went to my room. I took out of my walk-in closet white lacy panties and a matching bra. For my outfit, I chose to wear something comfy. I rummaged through my clothes and found my my plaid pj shorts. I paired it with a white cotton crop top and aqua and hot pink flip flops. I pulled my towel from the top of the closet and made my way to my bathroom. I stripped down and turn on the water. I put some shampoo on my hand and massaged it through my hair. While I was showering, I heard someone open the bathroom door. I freaked out and screamed so loud that the Earth could shake because of my scream. As the person touched the curtain, I covered myself with my hands and screamed louder and louder ............ but, I stopped when I saw who was the person. I SWEAR, my jaw hit the floor.

"Calm down, love. It's only me" Niall said with a huge smile on his face.

Suddenly, I forgot that I was fully naked and jumped on him hugging him tightly and kissing him passionately. I felt something on my thigh and I knew exactly what it was. I laughed so hard while Niall's cheeks turned crimson.

"Close your eyes" I demanded.

He closed them but asked "Why ?"

"'Cause it's time for you to get out and let me finish my shower" I replied.

"Okay,but my question is why do I have to close my eyes ? I've seen you naked before" He argued.

"I don't care" I said with a straight face.

"Ugh ... Fine" He huffed while walking out with closed eyes.

I finished my shower, turned off the water. I wore my clothes that were already prepared, then blow-dried my hair and put it in a messy bun.

I went downstairs and found My Nialler sound asleep on the couch with the T.V on. He must be tired from the flight. I shut the T.V off, covered him with a blanket, then walked into the kitchen to cook something for Niall and I. I cooked some spaghetti with hotdog slices, red sauce and dried oregano.

I shook Niall's shoulder and whispered "Nialler, wake up. I made dinner for us"

"What time is it ?" He groggily asked.

"It's 7:05"

"Can we eat here on the couch ? I'm too lazy to get up" My prince charming pleaded, still laying on the sofa.

"Sure ! I'll be right back" I giggled.

I filled two bowls with spaghetti and gave one to Niall as I sat next to him and ate.

- Niall's P.O.V -

I tasted the spaghetti that Mizzie made and it felt like I was in heaven. I always loved her food, but this time it tastes even better than before. I have to take the recipe from her.

"This is amazing !!! I wouldn't mind eating it for the rest of my life" I exclaimed.

I saw her lips turn into a huge grin then said happily "I'm glad you like it !"

"So did you get rid of that boner ?"

My eyes were wide open, then I started blushing while she just laughed at me.

"Uhhh ..... I don't know" I quietly answered.

"Oh, c'mon ! I was joking" She chuckled.

"Okay" I looked at the ground. That was so embarrassing and I could tell that Jasmine knew I was embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. I like the fact that I can give you a boner" Mizzie winked making me feel better.

She took the empty bowl from me and washed the dishes. She came back and sat next to me.

"Did you have fun with your family in Ireland ?" She asked.

"Yeah, I had so much fun ! I played golf with dad and Greg. We had a family day at my aunt's villa. She has a big game room. We ate delicious food. We swam at her pool, played chicken, volleyball in the pool and a lot of things. I just wish you were with me. By the way, how did the job interview go ?" I replied smiling at her.

"It went really well ! They accepted me, but I decided that I don't to work in this term. Maybe later on" She answered smiling back.

"I'm kind of glad that you changed your mind. I didn't want you to work so we could have more time together, but I didn't want to make decisions for you so I let you be" I said and kissed her soft lips.

-Jasmine's P.O.V -

Niall's lips traveled from my lips to my sweet spot behind my ear and started sucking on it. I knew that if he keeps focused on that one spot a love bite will be developed but I can't seem to let myself push him of me.

"Niall" I beg trying to get him to stop but my voice didn't sound forceful at all. He backs away and I put my hand behind my ear to feel the very wet, fresh love bite.

"Really?" I asked

"You had to put it there where I will never be able to cover it up?" I groan.

"Um yeah pretty much but hey, it's your fault that you're so irresistible" He winked making me blush.

Niall and I has been a couple for 7 months and 2 weeks, but he's still able to make me blush and look like I have a tomato face when I do.

The things you do for me Niall Horan ..............

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