Chapter 6. Meeting The New Neighbors

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- Niall's P.O.V -

I woke up to a sound of car doors opening and closing. I got out of bed and went to my window. I saw 4 boys around my age holding their bags in their hands and heading for a house. That's when I realized that these are the new neighbors everybody in my neighborhood was talking about. One of them has brown hair, he was wearing a white t-shirt with navy blue stripes, red trousers, red TOMs and suspenders. The second one has black hair up in a quiff, he was wearing a white t-shirt, beige trousers, light beige Nike shoes and suspender, but his were falling down. The third has brown hair, he was wearing a 3/4 sleeved white t-shirt, black jeans and white Converse. The fourth one has brown curly hair, he was wearing a red velvet t-shirt, grey jeans and white Converse. They looked like nice guys.

I reminded myslef to visit them soon and get to know them, but not without Jasmine. We're really close now. We do everything together. Wherever she goes I go. I really want her to be mine.

I think I should take her on another date today.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" I said to myself.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that Jasmine's house was close to mine. Between our houses were only five houses, so we're in the same neighborhood. I walked to Jasmine's house to see if she wants to visit our new neighbors this afternoon. I knocked on her door hoping she's awake. Once she opened the door, she smiled and greeted me.

"Good morning, Niall, come in. I'll make you breakfast too since I'm making mine"

"Good morning, Mizzie. Thank you"

While she was making breakfast I sat on a chair in the kitchen watching her. I should ask her on a date right now because she needs time getting ready, but first she needs to know about our new neighbors.

"Hey Jasmine ?"

"Yeah, Ni ?"

"There are new neighbors next to my house. Do you want to visit them with me at 4:00 this afternoon ?"

"Yeah, sure !"

"Another thing" I said.

"Yes ?" She replied.

"After we visit them, can I take you on another date ?" I said nervously.

"Yeah ! what time ?"

"We'll stay at their house at least an hour so how about I pick you up at 6:30 ?"

"That's alright, I have enough time to get ready !"

She placed the pankcakes, maple syrup and chocolate syrup in front of us. We ate in comfortable silence, but she broke it and said "Should I wear something formal or casual ?"

"Just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt"

"So it's a lazy date at your house ?"

"Yes, if that's okay"

"It's more than okay " She smiled.

I grinned from ear to ear !!! I can't believe that such a popular girl would be so simple. She's special, unlike other popular girls. I'm falling hard for this girl. I love her so much it hurts.

"How about we spend this day together, then we go and visit the new neighbors ?" She asked excitedly.

"That would be great idea !"

- Jasmine's P.O.V -

For the rest of the day we sat on the couch talking, watching some TV, eating junk food, etc. Just enjoying each other's company.

At 3:00 o'clock, I got up to get ready, then we walked to the new neighbors house. On our way we stopped at a baker and bought some cake for them to be polite.

When we arrived, we rang the bell waited for a few seconds then it was opened by a guy with black hair up in a quiff.

"Hello I'm Jasmine and this is Niall"

I said pointing at Niall "We're here to welcome you to our neighborhood"

"Hello, thanks for coming. Come in" He said.

We entered the house and smiled at the other three boys sitting on the sofa talking. They saw us and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Niall and this is Jasmine"

He said pointing at me "We're here to welcome you to our neighborhood. Nice to meet you all"

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm Liam, this is Harry, Zayn and Louis. Come sit down, please"

We sat on the couch, talked to them, got to know them better, laughed at jokes. We found out that they're going to the same school as us. They thought that we were dating, which we replied by "No we're just best friends" even if it hurts, this is reality.

"Sorry, we have to go. Have a good afternoon" Niall said as he looked at his watch.

"Ok, bye guys ! Thanks for visiting us. We had fun with you" Louis said.

"We did too, bye !" I said as we got out of the house.

When we reached my house Niall and I said our goodbyes. I showered then I went to get ready.

I wore Roxy grey sweatpants, Roxy white tank top with a colorful wolf on it, Roxy hoodie its color like pomegranate juice and black leather Converse. I put my hair in a massy bun. For my make-up, I put some eyeliner, mascara and light pink lipstick. I looked in full length mirror and nodded approvingly.

I heard the doorbell ring, so I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs to open the door. Once I opened it, a smiley Irish blonde boy was standing there holding a red rose.

"Hi, Mizzie !! This is for you" he said handing me the rose "By the way, you look beautiful" He continued then looked down and blushed.

"Hey ! Thanks, Nialler !! You look handsome" I giggled as he blushed even more.

"Thanks, ready to go ?" He asked.

"Yeah !"

We arrived at his house, sat on the couch and started eating the delicious junk food while watching 'Grown Ups'.

Times like these, are the times that I won't regret or forget.

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