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_Merida pov_
I was walking the halls waiting for my mean friend!!! Hiccup. So I was walking to my locker then I saw a new girl leave the office. I decided to follow her,she was walking then she was pinned to the wall by Jack!!! He is such a jerk so I started running to jack........

~Rapunzel pov~
I was pinned to the wall by this tall boy,he had white hair and sparkling blue eyes. "Wh......Who ar...are you?" I said studdering "aw is new girl scared" The boy said. I shook my head yes, "who are you?" I said except this time I didn't studder. "Who am I,I'm the one and only jack I'm popular and handsome. I can also show. You my bad boy side" he said smirking. I shook my head then I said "no thank you,can you let me go". Jack got closer his chest was touching mine. "Heyy she said let her go" a girl said with puffy red hair. Jack let me go "see you later babe" he said then winked at me,and left. "Are you ok" the girl with puffy hair said "yeah I'm fine,um...hi I'm Rapunzel" I said then shaked her hand "I'm merida" she said "sorry about jack,when he sees a new girl he has to go after her" I was confused but then I realized that he was a player. "Its a ok,I can see he's a jerk" Merida has most of the classes but so does jack,we walk to class then lunch then home....but I have a feel like someone is following but I don't know who?!

There is going to be a part 2 of memories well hope you enjoy this CHAPTER byb

my bad boy/jackunzel and merricupWhere stories live. Discover now