Love is stupid

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-here is some merricup hope you like-
:Merida pov:
Hiccup and I stared at jack "why did you do that?!!!" I yelled at him "because she can only date me" he said angrily "hey,it's her life let her choose" hiccup said raising his voice. "Yeah it's going to be me,are you jealous nerd" jack said with a smirk "NO!!! Why would I be jealous of you!!!" Hiccup yelled "plus she might like me" hiccup said whispering. My heart broke to pieces, I knew he liked Rapunzel but not this much. What if Rapunzel likes him back? No she wouldn't she my best friend. But she might have feelings for hiccup secretly?! "Like you!!!! Hilarious you are just a pathetic nerd" jack said laughing "hey don't talk to hiccup like that!!!" I said he might not like me but he is still my friend. "Whatever loser." Jack said rolling his eyes "Rapunzel dosent like you,she hates you who would like a jerk a pathetic traitor like you!!!!! She likes someone else now get over it!! Not everyone gets what they want!!!" I said then I started crying I couldn't hold it back.... Hiccup dosent like me and jack is picking on him. "Just stop!!" I said sobbing "merida I......I" jack said "what is going on here" Mr.bunny said looking at me. "Jack is making fun of merida, and it's bringing back old memories" hiccup said holding me, there were butterflies in my stomach,my heart started beating, I felt my whole face turn red is this......LOVE!!!!!! "Jack go to the principal office, you have hurt many people including me... NOW LEAVE!!!!" Mr.bunny said angrily jack got up and walked slowly out the door he looked back at me then left. "Jerk!!" I said sobbing "merida don't waste your time on him,you have real friends that care you" hiccup said holding me "thanks,do you really love Rapunzel?" I said I just had to know "well.....yeah I do she is just so beautIful" I heard him say,he stop holding me "LOVE IS STUPID!!!!!" I screamed then ran to the bathroom my heart was broken I felt like dying there right now. Once I ran there I saw elsa and jack!!!!???? But there was also a blonde girl laying on the floor....."RAPUNZEL!!!!!!!" I yelled then I ran to jack and punched him in the face,I threw elsa to a stall and tried my best to hold it back. "Rapunzel are you ok,come on wake up....I need you" I said crying and sobbing. But she said nothing just played there. "What did you do?!!!" I yelled and jack and elsa "well, I kinda hit her" elsa said nervously. If you didn't know I'm the strongest at my school so most people are scared of me."why!?!?" I yelled "because we had a deal to go our separate ways,and Rapunzel kissed my brother" elsa said looking at jack then back at me "no Rapunzel came to wash up,jack made her cry...Jack kissed her!!!" I said angrily getting my fist ready to punch. I don't know what happened but I know Rapunzel would never do that."your a monster, no wonder nobody likes you!!!!" I yelled at elsa. Then elsa started crying "don't talk to her like that!!" I heard jack say and he slapped me.

my bad boy/jackunzel and merricupWhere stories live. Discover now