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Inspired by Michael Buble’s ‘Home’

Another summer day has come and gone away, in Paris or Rome. But I wanna go home.

Gavin placed his bag on the conveyor belt at the check-in desk, smiling his goofy smile at the pretty girl behind the counter. “Here’s your ticket for the flight to Austin.” The woman said her strong English accent, accompanied with a bright smile. The fellow Brit nodded, eagerly grabbing his ticket from her hand before wandering off to grab a coffee. It seemed like years since Gavin had felt the hot Austin air on his skin or familiarity of his own bed, despite having only been in England for a little over a month. Of course, catching up with Dan had been wonderful and recording numerous Slow Mo videos had made the visit completely worth it, Gavin still longed for his home.

May be surrounded by a million people I still feel all alone. I just wanna go home. Oh I miss you, you know.

Blowing on the hot drink, Gavin entered the terminal, planting himself into a seat nearest to the door. It was now that Gavin’s home sickness caught up with him. It always seemed to affect him just before he got onto the plane, half of him wanted to leave the terminal and head straight back to his parents place and call up Dan. But the other half of him, the more rational side, knew that this was not his home anymore. His home was heat, and 5 immature grown men that he saw every day.

And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you. Each one a line or two “I’m fine baby, how are you?”

Smiling to himself, he got out his phone and typed out a message: Hey my little Michael, about to board the plane. You better not forget me! See you soon, your Gavvers. Gavin loved their playful banter. He had never had a friend like Michael before, even with Dan. It was just so different with Michael, so right. Despite the 6 hour time difference, Gavin still received a text almost instantly: I’m not gunna forget you, dumbass. Just get your ass back home, okay?

Another aeroplane another sunny place I’m lucky, I know. But I wanna go home.

Moments later, Gavin heard the intercom buzz and a monotone voice informing him his plane was beginning to board. Sliding his phone back into his pocket, he walked toward the door and out into the late night, summer air. He could see the stretch of tarmac leading toward the gigantic latters allowing everyone to board the plane. In that moment Gavin felt small, inferior to the magnitude of the aircraft. He longed to see Michaels reassuring face, feel his reassuring hand on his shoulder. He walked up the steps of the latter and was greeted by another cheery flight attendant, ready to show him to his seat. Taking his place on the plane Gavin leaned back in his seat, ready to go home.

And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life it’s like I just stepped outside when everything was going right.

Looking around at everyone else on the flight, Gavin felt a little better. He could hear the distinct sounds of American accents, but also the mix of British ones as well. The best of both worlds, he giggled to himself. Pulling out his phone again, he decided to check his twitter for any new notifications. He found a couple of fair well tweets from some of his British friends, including Dan who was set to be deployed in 3 days. Among heaps of random tweets from his followers, one stood out. It was a drawing, a lovely drawing at that. It was a drawing of himself and Michael. Team nice dynamite printed on the side. He smiled and saved the picture to his phone, before retweeting it. It always felt like an outer body experience when he thought about his fans. Actual fans. He typed out a new tweet and grined before he hit the send button: @AH_Michael can’t wait to see my boi! Feels like forever!

Another winter day has come and gone away in either Paris or Rome. And I wanna go home.

There was something serene about looking out of an aeroplane window at nothing but ocean below you. Gavin pressed his nose up against it too get a better look. It felt like he’d been stuck in the same chair for days. Despite only having been a few hours. There was a chill in the air, almost as if it was teasing him, before he would re-join the heat of the Austin days. Gavin snuggled into the pillow that he had been given and closed his eyes, willing himself to sleep.

And I’m surrounded by a million people I still feel alone and let me go home. Oh, I miss you, you know.

Before he knew it, a gentle hand was placed on Gavin’s shoulder, gently shaking him awake. He awoke to the eyes of the flight attendant who had shown him to his seat. “We are preparing to land sir, if you wouldn’t mind popping your seat belt back on.” She said with a shining smile, as she continued down the rows, awakening other sleeping passengers. Gavin leaned over the window again, see that the ocean had been replaced with clumps of land, scattered with twinkling lights. He did up his seat belt and prepared to land. Once the plane touched down, everyone was anxious to get off the plane, breathe fresh air and stretch their legs. Soon, everyone started to pile out of the plane, swarming towards the Austin airport terminals.

Let me go home I’ve had my run. Baby, I’m done I gotta go home.

Gavin felt instantly calmer, the moment his foot touched down on the Austin tarmac. Darkness had enveloped the runway, small lights on the ground guiding passengers on their way towards the building. Gavin’s excitement to be home started to reach boiling point. He wanted to run towards the building and find his Michael. He looked down at a small girl walking beside him, holding the hand of her mother and smiled a goofy grin, earning him a giggle. The crowd soon reached the building and started piling into the cramped space. The room was full of yells and squeals as passengers found their respected family and friends. Gavin strained his neck, looking for the older man here to collect him. Out of nowhere, Gavin felt a hand slid onto his waist. Turning quickly, Gavin flung himself into Michael’s arms, smiling into his neck. “My little Michael, I’ve missed you.”

Let me go home. It'll all be all right I’ll be home tonight.

“I’ve missed you too, Gavvers.” Michael said, leaning his head against the younger boys. Gavin pulled back and looked him in the eyes, searching his face as if he hadn’t seen him in years. In that moment, Gavin knew why it was so right. He knew why being in Michael’s arms felt so right. Without thinking about the consequences or the repercussions of his actions, Gavin closed the distance between his and Michael’s lips. Gavin waited, anxious as to pull back, fearing he had screwed everything. He felt Michael’s lips turn up into a smile as his hand crept into Gavin’s hair. Michael’s lips felt like clouds beneath his. And it felt right, it felt so right. Michael was the first to pull back, aware of where they were. “Missed me that much, have you Gavin?” Michael smiled widely, exposing his dimples as he elbowed a blushing Gavin in the ribs. Michael leaned forward to collect Gavin’s suitcase of the conveyor belt and laced his fingers with Gavin’s. Together they walked back to Michael’s car, hand in hand. Gavin was home.

I’m coming back home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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