Chapter 11

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"Jordan?" I ask, still holding his hand while weaving through the crowds left and right.

"Backstage passes remember?" He asks. When we stop walking, and we're at the hallway type thing, I'm assuming this is backstage.

"This is backstage?"

"These are the changing rooms of each bands," he explains.

"Oh!" I say. I smile and hurry along with him. A tall man stops us before we can get further, a security guard. Jordan shows our backstage passes and the guard nods and walks us over to a black door with a circle painted on it in red paint. Just a circle...what? Okay?

The guard knocks on the door and Andy Leo answers the door.....I'm dead. He smiles and let's Jordan and I enter. I swear to god Jordan, thank you.

"You here for the meet and greet?" I nod and Andy laughs and pulls us in. I see Hayden, Brent, David, Brandon, and Benn all sitting looking at us. I begin to feel self conscious so I cover up my hands with my sleeves of a jacket I don't remember having before....okay? We sit and talk and laugh and goof around with everyone for half an hour till we are supposed to meet the next band.

"You guys are adorable together," Benn shouts.

"We're not dating," Jordan and I say I'm unison again.

"Not yet anyway" Andy says while standing up with the rest of the band members to hug us and take individual pictures. Crown The Empire are so sweet.

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