Chapter 13

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We came to another black door but this one has a mic painted on it. Feeling more confident, I knocked on the door. Jacky answered and instantly smiled.

"Magically I turned tragedy into melodies over catchy beats! It comes so naturally, so smooth and casually! That's why they call me king of the music scene!" I hear Ronnie sing then looks up and stands up to bring us in.

"Hi!" Jacky says, hugging us. Ronnie smiles and hugs us also. As well as Ryan, Max, and Derek.

"Your shirt..." Ronnie says, looking at it. I get kinda self-conscious. It's a white shirt but it has the "Just Like You" cover on it with Falling In Reverse underneath and the mouth symbol on the belt.

"Yeah..." I say.

"It's amazing, don't worry. It really suits you!" He says hugging me again. I hug back and thanks him.

We've been talking for 23 minuets now. While hanging out, I randomly start humming "Tragic Magic" catching the attention of Ronnie. He turns it on and we listen. We both sing the chorus together and everyone singing the "la la la" part. When it finishes, everyone laughs.

"Looks like we need to start and new band, guys!" Ronnie jokes. I laugh.

"ESCAPE THE FATE PART 3!" Derek yells, making everyone go quite before cracking up.

When our hangout was done, Ronnie quickly gave me his number, seeing as we really got along and we were quite naturally bonding.

When we stood up, I hear Ronnie shout "HAVE GOOD LIFE YOU ADORABLE COUPLE!" He yells. Jordan blushes and I mention that were not dating. When I said that, my phone buzzed.
It's Ronnie.

Ronnie: bullshit. You guys like each other.

Misery: I like him but he doesn't like me back.

Ronnie: that's shit too. He does like you. He's gonna ask you out!

Me: yeah right. I'll see you another time. Oh, FYI I'm so sorry about Anthony...

Ronnie: give me a hug, you're so fucking sweet.

I giggle and go hug Ronnie and whispers in his ear "I'll talk to you about it if you want..."

We pull apart and he wipes a tear quickly. "Can I sing it with you?"

"Yeah, I'd love that."

"Good," he says hugging me again and letting Jordan and I go.

"What was that about?" Jordan asks when we're leaving the backstage area.

"I apologized about Anthony," I explain.

"Who's Anthony?"

"Ronnie's brother. He recently passed and he made a song called "Brother"."

"That's awful, poor Ronnie."

"Yeah. Him and I are gonna sing it together  one day,"

"I never heard you sing that one,"

"Well come over when it happens," I say. I feel off, like we aren't as close as we normally are.

"Will do. They will ship your 2 videos by tomorrow maybe. That's what it said online," he explains. I nod and we walk silently into the car and was silent the whole car ride.

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