Meeting the Kids part 2

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Adeline's POV
(A/N: edit done! :))

When I heard the voice, I turned around , and instantly my eyes widened . Standing in front of us were younger versions of our parents, and almost half the people in this room were supposed to be dead.

I turned around to look at the others. Most of them had shocked faces, with jaws dropped and eyes wide, while others ( the youngest kids) looked a little bit confused.

I Turned back to the man who spoke, that I now identified as The late Sirius Black. He was looking expectantly at all of us as his grey eyes filled with confusion and wariness. It made me very anxious as the whole entire freaking order, as well as younger versions of our parents  were gathered in front of us in the hallway. They also had all their wands pointed at us.

Sirius  then spoke once more," I'm going to ask again, what did you say, and who are all of you." I was about to answer, but Teddy came up and spoke before I could. " Um... Before we answer your question could you tell us where we are, and maybe the date as well?" He spoke.
Before Sirius opened his mouth to speak, a man with a swiveling glass eye, a scared face, who had a limp and was walking with the help of a cane came up and spoke in a rough, scratchy voice, " BLACK, Don't speak a word, for all we know they could be death eaters."

I Felt offended at this man's comment. ' we are not death eaters ' I thought angrily, but then realized I said this out loud, which made everyone look at me.

The man looked like he was about to speak, but another man with long white hair and a beard, with half moon spectacles came forward, and put a hand on the other man's shoulder." Now Alaster, calm down, they are children, they can't be death eaters." He said.' Alaster Moody and Albus Dumbledore' I finally recognized.

Moody just grunted and stepped back. Dumbledore then stepped forward and said," now children, you are in Grimmuald place 1995. Now if you could kindly tell us who you all are."

I then Stepped up and said," well if we told you, you wouldn't believe us." Dumbledore looked at me and said, " well how about we give you veritaserum and then we will question you and believe you." I thought it over and said," okay." Dumbledore then pulled out a small vile with clear liquid and gave it to me. I drank a few sips, then Dumbledore asked," Now, who are you and where are you from?" I then found myself answering " My name is Adeline, and we are all from the year 2017 in the future."

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