The Alpha's Girl

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Beep,Beep,Beep,Beep,Beep,Beep. I groaned rolling over and hit the snooze button.I completely forgot to shut it off since it was summer.I sat up and looked around my room. You see I was one of those girls that loved vibrant neon colors and my room sure did show it. My walls were green and pink stripes with pictures of my friends, family, and I. My carpet was purple while my bed was orange, pink, green, blue, and purple. No I am not a hippy ( no offense against hippies) I just love colors. I ran my hand through my knotted hair and sighed. I would never be able to go back to sleep now. Getting up I walked to by bathroom and ran a brush through my light brown colored hair. I loved my hair. It cascaded down my back grazing my hips. I begged my parents to let me get a few highlights of blue. Eventually they gave it and they agreed that they brought out my eyes. Yeah my eyes are blue but not just any blue they had strays of green and gray through out them which I had to admit was pretty cool. Yanking the last tangle out of my hair I through it up in a bun and made my way downstairs. " Morning Mom, Morning Daddy!" I greeted my parents cheerfully. "Morning sweetheart sleep well?" My mom ask a little nervous. Something was up cause she was never nervous. I nodded and sat beside my dad. " So do you have your bags all packed doll?" My mom asked setting a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of me. "Bags? What bags?" I asked confused. "GEORGE YOU DIDN'T TELL HER!!" My mother screeched. She was not a woman that raised her voice.I was so shocked my bite of pancake fell out of my mouth. " I thought you were going to tell her!" My dad retorted showing no emotion what so ever. My mother sighed and sigh and said " Anna darling, we are going to visit your brother and his fiancé and we will be staying quite a while dear. So you need to go pack your suitcase". With that she walked to god knows where. I shrugged and continued eating. " Anna listen your mother and I have some news to tell you but we can't tell you until we get there got it?" Dad said looking up over his newspaper. " I got it" I said smiling. I stood up and grabbed our empty plates putting them in the sink. I went back to my dad and asked "So how long will we be there?". " The whole summer dear" He said in "duh" tone. I was sure my eyes were popping out of my head. " So if I were you I would pack my whole closet." He said in amusement. I laughed and  

hugged him then ran up the stairs.

The Alpha's Girl #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now