Chapter 1

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Today is my first day working at Swan Pools, it's a quite community pool and nothing exciting really happens,
Just what I like, quite and relaxing.
"Harry Honey, breakfast time"
"Coming mom" I yelled back,
I got dresses into my black skinny jeans and a plain black top and my jean jacket to hide my tattoos.
"Morning sweetheart, how was your sleep?" Mom asked kissing my check and passing me pancakes,
"Wonderful thanks mom, how about yourself?"
"It was fine thanks hun, you better eat up, don't want to be late on the first day" Mom said grabbing her keys,
"Have a good day mom"
"You too baby" she said before walking out.
Yes I still live with my mother but there is a good reason,
I can't afford a place at the moment, that's why I got a job,
Let's hope it's better than the last one.

I grabed my uniform and left the house walking for 10 minutes to the local pool,
It was a beautiful sunny day and soon I regretted wearing skinny jeans but that's all I kinda have.

"Good morning Jenny, do you know where I can find Bailey?" I asked the receptionist,
"Morning Hun, Bailey is in the supplies room"
"Thanks Jenny, have a wonderful day" I said smiling brightly,
"You too Harry"

"Ah hey there Harry ready for work?" Bailey the manager asked,
"Yes sir, I'm excited where can I start"
"Well the pool needs a clean before everyone arrives, could you do that for me?"
"Yes sir" I said about to walk away
"Oh Harry!, I almost forgot here is your uniform" Bailey said handing me yellow shorts and a yellow tank top,
"Thank you" I said smiling and going to the staff changing rooms putting my stuff in my own locker.

First I had to clean the indoor pool and kiddie pool which was really easy.
As soon as I saw the out door pool I was shocked, so many leaves.
So I got my scoop and began to scoop out the leaves soon they where all out.
As I went to turn the pump back on in the out door pool it made a clogging noise, so I soon turned it off.
I began panicking thinking I will get fired on the first day. I heard the out door pool open and someone walk in but thought nothing of it,
So I took off my shirt and dived into the freezing pool and I looked at the pump below and saw some leaves blocking it so I took them out.
I jumped out of the pool shaking my hair and went to the pump control and turned it on, success it was working.
I noticed someone watching me and saw my boss Bailey.
"Good job boy, you fixed it, great start for the first day" Bailey said patting me on the back and handing me a towel,
"Thanks sir"
"Please, call me Bailey" He said smiling and walking away.

Soon I was minding the children's pool watching the little kiddos splashing around and playing kid games like
Pool tag and mermaids and little funny games like that. I didn't have to save any little kids but I had to tell one or two off
for standing on the side of the pool which is really dangerous.

On my break I sat behind the desk with Jenny and we had a good old time, Jenny is a lovely old lady,
Jenny was telling me about her 4 grandchildren and her husband Craig who is 70.

I learned a lot today, Bailey was telling me how quite often the othdoor pool gets those clogs.
Bailey told me they are hoping to do a reservation on the pool in a few weeks time and Bailey said that we get a little less busy at this time of year.
That's great for me. I also got to know some more about Bailey he is engaged to Opal and they have a baby and another on the way.

The day was pretty quite if I say so just a few people, mostly parents and there children.

But my first day was a success and I enjoyed my self, I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring.


Larry moment next chapter.

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