Chapter 15

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Today I have work as now it's Monday.
It's 8:30 am and I have to be into work at 9:30.
Louis is pressed against my back and arms around my torso.
I try wringing out of his grasp but he just grones and hugs tighter.
"Lou?" I grumble,
"Stay" Louis said in response hugging tighter and putting his head on my back,
"Lou baby I have work I got to get ready"
"Nooo" he said words muffled by my back,
"I'll cook you pancakes if you let me go" I said kissing his hand,
"With chocolate chips" He asked lifting his head and giving me puppy dog eyes
"Sure, anything for you babe."
"Is that so?" He said smirking
"Yes Lou" I said getting up as he pulled me back of the bed
"Then if you would do anything for me say with me the whole day" He said winking
"Fine" I said getting an idea.

I got out of bed and made Louis pancakes with chocolate chips and wiped cream.
I got dressed in my uniform by 9 o'clock and put a jacket on so Louis would not see it.
"Get dressed baby we are going" I said ripping of the blankets with his little body exposed to the cold.
"Where are we going?" He asked
"Somewhere" I said winking.

Louis and I got into the car while I drove us to my work.
"When I said you stay with me the whole day I sorta ment to do other things" Louis said pouting,
"Awe too bad baby we are working here today Mr Tomlinson or should I say assistant" I said,
"Ohh that's hot" Louis said leaning in to kiss me but I dodged,
"Professional Lou no dirty minded stuff okay" I said eyeing his reaction,
Louis huffed and nodded okay before we jumped out of the car and went to work.
I chucked Louis a spare uniform.
We, both Louis and I where now on life guard duty.

"Harry, Louis boss says time for your break and he also wants to see you" Said a work mate,
"Thanks" I said looking to Louis as he walked next to me,
"Did I do something wrong? " He asked
"Not at all babe you are doing great" I said giving him a reassuring smile.

We walked into his office to see Bailey sitting in his chair,
"Ah good afternoon Louis and Harry good to see you both" He said as we sat on the only two chairs in the room in front of his desk,
"So Louis congratulations from yesterday" Bailey said,
"Thank you, I got a really good coach which helped" Louis said,
"Don't be a downer love, it was all you" I said
"Sorry to split this adorable moment but Harry I have some work news for you"
"Oh please don't fire me I need this job" I said really fast,
"Relax Harry I'm not firing you quite the opposite actually, um how would you feel about a raise?"
"A-a raise in my paycheck?" I said almost jumpimg out of my set
"Yes Harry"
"I would love it thank you so much" I said and got up giving him a hug,

Louis and I got off work early after the meeting with Bailey.
I pulled into my parents house as me mom texted me saying to come over.
Louis and I waked into my parents house holding hands I got knocked out as someone bashed into me hugging me tight. Once the person stood back noticing it was my sister Gemma.
"Hey Gem whats up" I said hugging her,
"I have decided to move back home" She said
"Thats great" I said,
"Hey Louis how are you" My sister said,
"Amazing thanks" He said smiling at her then me and then blushing,
"I saw something on MTV today " Gemma said smirking between Louis and I,
"And what was that" Louis said being the clueless person he is,
"Oh just the budding romance between you and my brother" Gem said,
"Okay" I said
"Come on tell me the details" She said
"Nope" I said crossing my arms,
"Harry Edward Styles I demand you too" She said
"Only if you can catch me slow poke" I said sticking out my tongue and running away.

Gemma chased me for 10 minutes before she was now sitting on my back with me on the hard floor.
"Harry tell me"
"Gemma get off me " I said painfully,
"Tell me" she said. I could see Louis now watching us with my mom laughing with him.
"Fine but can the elephant get off me first" I questioned
"Nope since you called me that " she said
"Fine I'll tell you" I said giving up on trying toget her off me.

"On Wednesday Louis came over to talk about work and he came into my room we talked a bit and I called him babe on purpose and he asked if I called him babe and I started to think I did something wrong but I told him I did and then he said it's fine love and then we sort of kissed and then Louis asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes. Now get off me" I said trashing around after I sad get off.

Louis and I soon went home after that.
My dad was not home when we where there which was weird and when I asked my mom said shot down my question. I think he was working.

Louis and I watched some movies before having an early night going go bed at 10pm.
Me being the little spoon as Louis drew circles on my hip as I fell asleep.

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