[2] Shells and Stars

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Gilbert couldn't quite sleep. The sounds around him and just being outside in generally nagged at him. He couldn't get his neck in the right position. Plus he was still thinking occasionally about tomorrow. He couldn't possibly do this every night. There would have to be some abrupt stop. No- he couldn't think like that. He has to make this the most awesome time while he can! And at least keep Feli safe until something happens. He turned back around to face the boy when he heard a soft, "Gil..?  Are you asleep?" Gilbert snapped open his eyes to find the boy staring back at him with a small innocent smile. He felt the warm fuzzy feeling again. In response, he shook his head to the question.

In reality, Gilbert really didn't need to get back to family. All he really had was his little brother Ludwig back in Germany. But Gil was on a vacation at the moment. And he was pretty sure Ludwig could take care of himself. After all, West was the more responsible brother of the two. "I'm right at home here," he thought to himself. The only problem was coming at night. He knew that it would take a toll on his sleep schedule. Feliciano smiled a little, reaching up to fluff the sand up by Gilbert's head "Here...this might help." The German warily smiled and nodded his thanks. Feliciano smiled and rolled over a bit, picking out a shell from under his bum. It was bothering all night. Stupid shell. At least it was pretty. Meanwhile the man reached out to stroke the back of the boy's head. He did it with doubt in his movements. What if he offended Feli?? What if he showed aggression in some weird way? What if he scared him off?  Instead of voicing these thoughts, he went to a different subject. "All these shells look pretty cool," he said with an awkward edge. The boy beamed towards Gilbert, his eyes seeming to light up.  "The insides are so shiny," the German marveled at the shells, his gaze sparkling with excitement.

Feliciano smiled with a proud look on his face; tail flapping up and down.
"Maybe we could go looking for some more tomorrow!" Gilbert announced happily, his grin widening from ear to ear. He needed to spend more time with Feli. This was his first night with him but he just felt that compelling need to stay with Feli. "That sounds fun!" He giggled, looking down at the  clear water below. In the daytime it seemed like pure glistening crystal. At night, it was a dark soothing blue, absorbing the moonlight. The ocean was always beautiful- no matter the circumstance.

"Maybe you could get scuba gear and look for pearls with me!"
"Ja! That would be awesome to do tomorrow!"

A sudden strange silence hung in the air. The silence seemed to thicken the air, the only sound was waves gently lapping at the beach. Feliciano looked up at the night sky, pointing at the stars "That one is really pretty.." Gilbert laughed softly. It was indeed pretty. "It is!! Oh! And that one over there is too." He pointed a little bit more to the side. Gilbert stared back up at the night sky, the stars glistening as if it were their last day shining. Bright and fierce. He remembered when he was just in school and his old friend told him something about the stars. That most are probably dead; eventually flickering out. The thought always confused Gilbert. How could things that have been there up in the sky so long just suddenly disappear.

A young boy in third grade or so climbed the hilltop. He could feel his heart pulsing with excitement. He reached the top and saw his friend of about the same age sitting there with a small telescope. He had short dirty blonde hair, a single cow lick standing up at the front. The blonde boy stares at the white haired boy, his eyes lighting up at seeing his friend. "Hey dude!! I actually brought it here today!" He waved his telescope in the air and motioned for the first boy to sit by him. The first sat down, keeping his gaze carefully trained on the telescope, "you sure it works?" The blonde nodded vigorously with no doubts coming to mind.

A few minutes into taking turns and looking up into the sky, the second turns to the first. "You want to hear something cool?" The red eyed nodded, his mouth already agape. "Did you know that all these stars are actually dead? It's like an old movie!! We're just seeing the past! Like time travel!" The albino shook his head in disbelief. That couldn't possibly be real, could it? Light travels so quickly! "Wow that's awesome!!!" Was all he could manage to respond. After all, he couldn't argue with Alfred back then.

He shook his head to dismiss the thought. "I've heard that no shell is ever the same... Is that true?"

"Every single little thing in the entire universe is different! Like us on Earth!"

Feliciano smiled a little "Si, I have never seen two that are exactly alike." He looked down at the waves and giggled "Shells are usually used for making jewelry. We give people we really like shells." He said with a light blush.

"I'll travel to the moon someday! Wouldn't that be cool??"

Gil hesitated for a minute, completely at a loss for words. Oh. "Well it's good to know you really like me!" He looked back at the pile, gay thoughts springing up again. Oh no. Feliciano leaned on his shoulder and closed his eyes. The German waved his hand. He had only just met the boy. It was virtually impossible to love him already. "Well.. Thank you!" Gil flashed his infamous bright smile, laughing a bit. Gil's gaze softened shortly after. The Italian's gaze softened as well. He giggled, looking at the pile of shells.

"The shells are super cool! Would you mind if I made one into a necklace for you? Or one for each of us
"Si, I would love a necklace!"
"I'll make you the most rad one!" Gil promised, with his wide smile popping up once again. Feliciano smiled, picking up yet another shell from the sand. "There." He laughed awkwardly in an amused way. "How am I going to get these back to my house?" The man thought out loud- purposely. "Hm...do you have a bag?" Feliciano shrugged, looking around the beach. He noticed a few distant pink rays reaching over the horizon. "Ja, I'll just use that," he looked back up at the sky, seeing the moon starting to set on the opposite end from the streaks.

He followed Gilbert's gaze, seeing the moon fall over the horizon "Wow! We stayed up all night!" "We did!" Gil looked way down the beach, seeing just a single person walking their dog. "Fuck- if they come a little too close then you'll have to go if you don't want to get seen." He got a little too serious at the thought of Feli being caught. He wanted to keep this treasure to himself. It seemed a little too selfish but it was true. Almost anybody would do the same. Whether it be a piece of gold or a strange fish boy, he would protect Feliciano with his life. That was a promise. Feliciano inched a little closer into the water, emerging his fin in more.

"Gilbert- When can I see you again?"
"Soon. I'll even be waiting for you!"

Feliciano flopped and flipped around until the water was deep enough the actually swim away

"See ya Feli!!" A sad tone edged his voice.

He waved, slowly starting to swim into deeper waters as little kids pointed at him from the beach. Gilbert stood up, watching him leave while picking up his things. Yeah.. As soon as he got home he would make that necklace!
Feliciano just swam put as far as he could go, until the beach goers wouldn't see his tail. They wouldn't be able to catch him but he should still leave as soon as possible. Gil waved one last goodbye before turning his back and leaving. Nobody would hopefully go after Feli.

Gilbert picked up his speed and ran home. He just had to do it! It would be with a few shells on it and a piece of string oh it'll be perfect! So small and delicate yet bold and almost flashy! These thoughts came to an abrupt halt 
just as the German reached home. He collapsed onto the couch from staying up all night. "Kill me..." He muttered.

He could squeeze in some shut eye before working on that necklace.

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