An Injured Adversary

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The bright golden sunlight warmed the wooden floorboards of the twins room, as the duo sleepily woke up and began their morning routine. Dipper dressed himself in his usual shorts, red shirt and navy blue vest. He placed his trademark blue and white pine tree hat atop his mess of brown hair. Mabel through on some jeans and a fuzzy pink sweater with a golden retriever puppy on it. Then the twins headed down the creaky, old stairs into the kitchen where their Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford sat at the kitchen table, discussing something in low voices. Dipper cleared his throat to announce his and Mabel's arrival.
"Oh uh...good morning you two." Ford said, turning around and facing the twins. "We uh...have an important matter to discuss with the two if you. Sit down." The duo obediently took seats at the square table, next to each other. Dipper looked expectantly at Ford.
"So um...there has been recent news of a virus that has been spreading throughout the western part of the United States. Have you two heard of it yet?" The twins nodded.
"It was on the news yesterday." Mabel stated.
"Yes ok good. So the virus has reached the outskirts of Oregon and a few cases have been reported inside of it as well. So if you two go out anywhere today, please be cautious of any suspicious individuals. Ok?"
"Ok, Ford." Mabel replied.
"I promise." Dipper said, with a nod.
"Alright then. What do you two want for breakfast?" Ford asked, grinning.
"Ok Mabel." Dipper started, as he subconsciously began chewing his pen. "It says in my journal that if we go back to the shiny part of the forest, we will find fairies there and w-"
"Where is the shiny part of the forest?" Mabel interrupted.
"Where the gnomes live." Mabel let out a groan.
"Ugh not them."
"Don't worry. I don't think we'll actually see any of them. We should be fine." Dipper reassured her. "Anyway the fairies can grant wishes if we capture one so if we bring the right equipment we could catch one."
"Ooh, what do we need?" Mabel asked excitedly, a spark of curiosity popping up in her eyes.
"A bug catching net, a jar and some gloves."
"Fairies can bite."
"Ok then. I'll go grab the supplies." Mabel jumped up and ran to the attic. Dipper heard a loud crash as she knocked something over.
"I should probably help her." Dipper muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. He grabbed his journal and pen, and slowly made his way upstairs, in pursuit of his twin sister.
Mabel skipped through the emerald green undergrowth of the Gravity Falls forest, humming the tune to a song, whilst Dipper smacked mosquitos out of the air.
"Ugh, the bugs are such pests." He groaned as he felt one nip at the skin of his right arm. Mabel ignored his complaints as she bent down to examine something.
"Dipper look!" She exclaimed as she held up a turquoise leaf the shimmered in the sunlight that slight through the thick foliage of the trees.
"That means we're almost to the shiny part of the forest!" Dipper replied with excitement.
"Race you there." Mabel challenged, spinning around and bolting through the trees.
"Hey wait up!" Dipper giggled, sprinting after her.
The sounds of two pairs of footsteps echoed through the unnervingly silent forest as the twins raced though the think forest undergrowth, bolting through bushes with lusciously soft leaves, leaping over scraggly roots and narrowly dodging tall trees that seemed to stretch into the sky. Everything began to glimmer and glow as the duo approached the shiny part of the forest. Suddenly, Mabel came to an abrupt halt,
"Dipper look." Mabel said in a low voice pointing to the forest floor. Dipper, panting and sweating looked at where she was pointing. He noticed a trail of crimson stains along the ground, heading right into a small clearing.
"Should we follow it?" Mabel asked, eyes wide.
"No. What if it's a zombie person?" Dipper responded.
"But what if it's a gnome? Or a person lost in the woods?" Mabel replied. Dipper could see she had a point.
"Fine. Let's go." Dipper cautiously made his way through the undergrowth, trying to be as stealth and quiet as possible. As he pushed through the bushes into the small clearing, he could see a figure slumped over a rock at the far edge of the clearing. Dipper carefully made his way over to the figure.
It was a young man with a mess of golden blonde hair, that draped over a black eyepatch. The boy who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen with a yellow suit with a black bow tie, that was stained with what looked like blood. The source of the blood seemed to be at the chest, where a large crimson stain was visible. Dipper and Mabel raced over the unconscious person.
Dipper instinctively unbuttoned the top part of the boy's shirt to get a better look at the wound and see what could be done. A large, seemingly fresh tear in the boy's flesh glistened with rose red blood. The skin around the wound was bruised in a sickening shade of blackish blue.
"Mabel get me the first aid kit." Dipper commanded. Mabel took the brown backpack off her shoulders and dug out a white case with a red cross in the middle. She handed it to Dipper, who tore it open and pulled out a towel. He pressed it against the wound, cleaning up some of the blood and staining the towel with red. He took the towel away and gently wrapped gauze around the boy's chest.
"We need to get him back to town for medical help." Dipper said, in a slightly panicked tone. "Mabel can you run home and grab Ford? Tell him what happened and he can come here and hopefully we can get this kid back." Mabel nodded and sprinted off into the forest. Dipper knelt next to the boy, resting his hand on top of the gauze. The slight rise and fall of the boy's chest was the only thing notifying Dipper that he was still alive.
About ten minutes later, Mabel came crashing through the forest, Ford right behind her. He held a much larger first aid kit, with more supplies.
"Is he still alive?" Ford questioned Dipper, kneeling down next to the boy. Dipper nodded. "Ok good." Ford immediately went to work, with various cloths and medicines. Within five minutes, Ford has stopped the bleeding, disinfected the wound, and wrapped it up in a protective layer of soft bandages.
"Alrighty then. Let's get him back to the shack." Ford said, gently picking up the boy. The trio walked at a brisk pace through the forest, hoping to get home quickly, for the sake of this boy. They made it home in a matter of seven minutes, and Ford took the boy up into the twins room. He gently laid the kid down on Dipper's soft bed and pulled a chair up next to him.
"I'll stay with him till he wakes up. You two go hang out downstairs. I'll inform you when he is awake." The twins nodded and headed downstairs, wondering who this kid was, and why he was there.

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