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"Why isn't Kaname-Oniisama back yet?" a five-year-old Yuuki asked her parents. She was sitting on Haruka Kuran's lap, looking up at him as a five-year-old Yuuta laid on the couch, eyes closed but not asleep. Haruka ruffled Yuuki's hair as he answered.

"Don't worry, he should be back any minute now," he said. Juuri Kuran giggled behind her hand.

"Yuuki you really love your brother don't you?" she asked. Yuuki looked over at her.


"Yeah, Kaname and Yuuki are going to get married and have lots and lots of babies," Yuuta says, opening his eyes and looking at his cousin, mischief sparking in his blue and pink eyes. Yuuki blushed scarlet.

"Yuuta, stop teasing your cousin," Juuri said, but she couldn't keep her amusement in. She was saved by the door opening. Yuuki's eyes lit up as Kaname walked into the door.

"Oniisama's back!" she said gleefully, jumping off Haruka's lap and running over to Kaname. "Welcome home Kaname!"

"Good to be home," Kaname said, smiling. "Yuuki."

Kaname and Yuuki sat onto the couch Yuuta was lying on, Yuuki in Kaname's lap. Yuuta had closed his eyes again.

"I went to see a rare rose that blooms once every ten years," Kaname explained. "But I couldn't take it home with me, it withers as soon as you pick it. The next time it blooms I'll have it preserved in resin."

"Was it really pretty, Oniisama?" Yuuki asked. Kaname sighed as Yuuta opened his eyes.

"Hey Kaname, would you be able to get me a cherry blossom?" Yuuta asked. Kaname looked over at Yuuta.

"Why do you want a cherry blossom?" he asked the younger Pureblood.

"I don't know, it reminds me of my mother," Yuuta answered. Kaname sighed and turned to Haruka.

"How long does Yuuki and Yuuta have to stay here? Inside this basement room without any windows?" Kaname asked. Juuri sighed.

"Kaname ..."

"Nowadays the Senate isn't just trying to control the power of our blood but our very existence too," Haruka explained.

"Yuuki and Yuuta are still young. I don't want them to have anything to do with the Senate," Juuri put in. "We know we're being selfish but we want to protect Yuuki and Yuuta."

"I'm fine. Yuuta to," Yuuki pipes up. "So you don't have to look so sad Oniisama."

Kaname smiled warmly and pulled Yuuki to him in a hug. "I'll always be with you Yuuki. You two, Yuuta."

Later that night when everyone was asleep Yuuta decided to see the outside world. So after making sure Yuuki was fast asleep Yuuta snuck upstairs and down the hallway, looking for the front door to the outside world. When he found a door and pushed it open, he was happy to find that it led outside. He stepped onto the snow, breathing in the outside air and opened his eyes when he saw the scary looking man. The man wasn't anything like he had seen before: he had messy dark brown hair, pale skin and two different coloured eyes: one red and the other blue. He smiled when he saw Yuuta.

Purebloods at Ouran (Vampire Knight and Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now