Chapter 1

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It was after midnight when I returned home. Good job I had a spare key or else I would have had to wake dad up.

Which is impossible as by 11pm he goes off into a bit of a wine coma

Unlocking our little grotty apartment’s door revealing unto me dad completely wiped out slouching in his chair, with an half empty bottle in his hand.

Dribble was making its way down his big, fat chin as he sat there in his vest top and extremely baggy trousers.

Laura's dad would never do anything like this.

In his completely perfect crisp suit and shoes that I would have no problem eating off! (No joke! they are that clean)

Is it bad to say that I wish my dad was Mr. Hunter, no wait I don't care if it’s bad! That’s who I would want!

Living happily and not forgetting richly!

I didn't even bother walking quietly to my room instead I probably made more effort to be loud as I can knowing dad would never walk up.

Once I got my room I chucked my bag on top a pile filled with allsorts of junk, and then tried to squeeze myself in. If you hadn't got it by now my room is small, tiny even.

But as I moved all clothes, shoes, books, socks out of the way so I could sleep thoughts flooded my mind about peter.

Peter was the guy at this moment.

The guy who is determined that he loves me and will always do.

The guy I've been fooling around with just for fun.

The guy who is just my distraction.

But of course he doesn't know this. We've known each other for years, ever since I came to this city.

He was the first person to talk to me and he was meant to be the first person I have sex with. But that’s when Jeremiah entered my life.

Entered and sucked all the goodness out of it unto all that was left was raw emptiness.

Over the last few months I and peter have spent a few nights together he is a bit rusty but at least he's getting better. It's like he actually cares about me, to him its not just sex it's making love.

He is a nice enough guy but can't help but come across a bit desperate sometimes. He's always been there in my life most the time faded away in the background but still there. I'm one of those people who don't really notice or listen to people unless I really have to too.

But when Jeremiah left Peter was there, to comfort to care. (Dad didn't care at all, didn't even blink an eye lid) That’s when things turned around from friendship onto the more girlfriend, boyfriend kind of type not that I would EVER let anyone callus that! (Me and my problems)

Tomorrow’s school and only two weeks to go before summer hols. Hopefully this summer will be better than last but who can say.

I've got Laura and Peter and that's all that matters.


Walking down the corridors of school alone I passed group after group of people.

Some I used to know, some I recognized but couldn’t but a name to the face, but none were my friends. It hit me at that moment how I alone I was compared to the year before. My personality, my overall appearance and even my hobbies have changed.

And people just couldn't accept it.

I was sweet, pretty little scarlet who always wore the latest fashions and didn't go 5minutes without lip-gloss (I know, what a dweeb!) but I always played it safe.

Now you wouldn't recognize me. I died and chopped my long blond hair black. I changed my clothes to dark and depressing (still fashionable if I might add).

But people just couldn't accept me the way I am, so what If I don't want to go shopping every weekend or if I don't want to go to a spar treatment just like every other girl.

I’m still me, just the same.

All of this didn't change over a period of time. No. it only took one night for pretty much everyone in our school to see me in a completely different light. One night that I can never forget as it will always be jammed in my head for me to remember forever.

One night that I can never forget as it changed me as a person.

One night I can never forget as it left me with something I have to see everyday. Something that has caused people to shorten my name and call me Scar.



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