chapter 3

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  The good thing about living in the city and one of my favourite things to do (but don't tell anyone!) is leaning out of your window and watching the different lives of people passing by. When I first came me and mum had a game, watching the people pass by and depending on what they were wearing or eating and carrying, we would come up with a background story for them.

  Still to this day, I catch myself doing a smiliar thing without even realising it. But another good thing about the city is pretty much everyone you know lives in apartments 10 minutes away (at the most). But it's a bad thing if you’re by your window watching everybody go about their business and they show up and start watching you instead.

That's what I spent an hour doing tonight, not even giving a thought to my homework and just managing to remember mine and Peters arrangements for tonight. His dad was on a business trip and his mum was working late.

As far as I can tell his parents don't like me very much. But It wasn't when I over heard a convocation that they were having about me being a bad influence. I came to this conclusion when I noticed that every time I came into the same room they stiffened and became uncomfortable.

 Peter says it’s just me but what does he know!

I made my way over to peter's checking that I had my spare key and leaving dad happy in his chair (nothing new there).

Peters house was semi-detached with a tiny (and pointless if you ask me) garden at the front. Walking up the path I realise that no lights were on inside.

Being the same old stupid me I never thought to what this could mean. Knocking on the light grey front door still a bit puzzled which didn't help the shock when peter opened the door.

The lights had been off for a reason, so that the candles would create a romantic scene.

Peter had moved a small wooden table into the centre of his lounge. Covered it with a deep smooth red table cloth, and right in the centre of that table was a small clear vase with a single red rose.

"So what do you think?" Peter asked looking please with himself.

"Wow....." was all that I could muster up.

"Wow..... Good or. Wow.....bad?" Worry spread across peters face as from what I could tell a weird look spread across mine.

"Wow..Good of course!" I would have felt mean if I'd said I didn't like it but for all the trouble and effort he had obviously gone through just for tonight. I went along with it.

"Good! you had we worried there for a second" A smile spread from one end of his lips to the other, Just before he came up to me and placed both hands on my face and kissed me with relief.

"What is all this for?.." I managed to ask when he finally let me up for air.

Peter stood still looking puzzled. "For you and me, babe" He said in a tone which was like, isn't it obvious.

"Yes I gathered who it was for but." Peter cut me off before I could continue, by grabbing both my hands and leading me to one of the chairs tucked under the table covered with red decorations.

Pulling the chair out for me to sit down I followed what his actions implied.

He left me alone for a few minutes as he clattered about in the kitchen. Entering the room with two plates full of delicious food.

The night continued, with peter in and out of rooms preparing the food (which I did ask if I could help, but he knows as well as I do that I am utter crap at cooking.) convocation floated back and forth until right at the very end it got serious.

“Let me ask you one thing." I said before gulping down the last of my fancy (but crap) non-alcoholic champagne.

Meeting me eye to eye peters response was of course the usual sweet and short, "Yes babe"

The tension grew as I paused for a few seconds.

I didn't mean too.

I had no clue what or why I was doing it.

I wasn't meaning to give peter the wrong idea. As I said...

"Did you really cook this?"

The look on peters faces spread confusion across mine.

He let out a sign of ... annoyance? Maybe while rubbing his face with both hands.

"What’s wrong?"

"...... urmmm. Yeah I did cook it."

"No peter, what’s wrong?" Sitting up right I was determined to make him tell the truth.

"Oh it’s nothing... I over reacted, shall I wash these up now?" He asked me that like it was a question. But I didn't have time to reply as he quickly picked up our dirty and empty plates before taking them into the kitchen.

But like I said before I was determined to get him to spill the beans.

So I followed him, through the hallway to the small kitchen at the back of the house.

He was clanging about busy was the pots and pans when I came up and gently touched his on his arm.

He stopped what he was doing almost immediatly before turning around and giving me his full attention.

"I just thought... and I know it’s stupid but .....I thought you were going to ask about us."

He made his way back down to the front of the house where I followed him again. Busy wiping the table he didn't once turn back to look at me.

I stood in the doorway figuring out how to go about what he just said.

But I don't understand how I could figure it out if I wasn’t actually completely sure what he was talking about. So I had to ask.

"What do you mean us?"

Stopping what he was doing for a second time he finally looked back up at me.

"Us.. Just don't you think we need to talk, you know about the relationship?"

"Well... I’m not sure.. I thought we were fine the way we were."

"The way we were? What’s that meant to mean?"

Yeah know this is one of the reasons I hate dating smart men. They pick up on all of your speaking mistakes. But maybe it wasn't a mistake, Maybe I don't see me and peter still in this relationship in a few months.

All these maybe's flooded my head but their was one thing I was definite about. That peter knew exactly what I was thinking and it was breaking his heart.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2011 ⏰

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