Chapter 1: The Interview

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HElloooooo, so this is my first fanfic and I was really nervous to publish it but I hope people like it and if it at least gets 5 reads then i will be satisfied :))))) haha

Anyway, this is chapter 1 and it is quite short however the other chapters will hopefully be longer than this! Hope you enjoy loves!

Love Lydia :) x


*14 months ago*

"So I'll see you later then Hunnie?"

"Yeah, I'll get one of the guys to give me a lift home, but I will text you when I know what time I should get home."

"Okay, love you sweetheart."

"Love you too mum."

A car door door swung open, and a girl wearing some skinny jeans and a toms top emerged from it. The car slowly drew away as Maddie walked across the deserted car park. Her curly, strawberry blonde hair was moving with the wind and her steps became more frantic as she got closer to the building.

She slowing pushed against the glass door and walked inside.

"Hey Vicky!"

"Oh, hey Maddie! The boys are just in room B1 on the second floor. I'm sure they won't be long, you could go up there if you want."

"Yeah, ok. I'll just wait upstairs."

Maddie quickly walked off and entered a corridor which lead to a few flights of stairs. She walked up and turned a few corners. Finally, she reached a sign saying floor B, rooms B1-5 with an arrow pointing onwards. Continuing to walk, after about a minute she came to room B1, slowly turning the door knob she crept inside. This lead to a recording studio which had a door leading to a big white room.

She could just make out a long leather sofa with four heads poking over the top of it, beside the sofa sat a women with straight blonde hair and a tight pink dress on. Behind this all, in the background sat Veronica Marone.

Veronica Marone was the bands manager and from what Maddie could judge from the short encounters they had had previously, Veronica wasn't the nicest of people. She seemed very money oriented and only did things to gain publicity and so increase the money the boys and her were earning. However Maddie knew the boys were totally oblivious to this side to her, I mean why would they stay under her management if they knew what she was really like?

She was mouthing something to the lads on the sofa. Maddie pressed her ear up to the door to see if she could hear the interview.

"So boys, how are you coping with all the fans following you wherever you go? I bet you can't even leave the house anymore without crowds of screaming fans close behind, eh?" the interviewer chuckled.

"Ahh no, but it's nice, you know? To have such dedicated fans, we always have time for them because without them we wouldn't be here." Ashton replied.

"Well of course! Well, before we wrap up this interview I must ask a question I'm sure all the fans have been dying to know.. are you all single?" The interviewer winked.

"Aha, yes we are all single." Ashton responded.

"So who is this Maddie girl that so many fans have been shipping with all you guys and suspecting one of you is dating?" The interviewer pressed on.

"Umm, well..." Calum's voice trailed off.

Maddie raised her head, looking through the little glass window and listening intently to the conversation. She caught a sight of Veronica mouthing something untranslatable to the group.

"To be honest Kelly, we don't really know the girl, we think she's just a very determined fan..." Michael stammered.

"But you're in so many photos together, come on guys what are you keeping from me? There's got to be something there?"

Luke swallowed and then said, "No, not really, its just by chance that we were photographed together, seriously we don't know her. She means nothing to us... but wherever she is, thanks for being a very dedicated fan."

Maddie turned around and slumped in the chair.

"Haha, well okay then. Well I guess to all those fans out there, it's good to know the boys are still single! And it's good we've got this drama cleared up. Well thank you very much boys, it has been great chatting to you!"

"Thanks Kelly, it has been our pleasure!"

Maddie stood up, with tears welling up in her eyes making her vision go blurry and the sounds echoing in her head of what she had just witnessed. 'We don't know her' 'She means nothing to us' spun around in her head making her heart hurt but she knew she couldn't stay.

She quickly ran down the corridor and stairs. Now sprinting she exited the building to the car park. She slid her phone from her pocket, and quickly dialled a number.

"Yeah, hello? Please come and pick me up...I'll explain in the car." She said with a voice full of sadness.

A tear slid down her pale face.


End of first chapter!

Please leave me a comment telling me how I did! And don't be afraid to message me on here as I love to talk to fellow fans of the boys!

This first Chapter is dedicated to my friend Vicky, my first 5sos internet friend and you shall always be extremely important to me !!!! :) x

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