Chapter Nineteen: Sugg Sunday Special

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Chapter Nineteen: Sugg Sunday Special 


Waking up I felt Chris's arms tighten around my waist as he nuzzled his face into my neck. A huge smile spread across my face as I remembered last night's events, it was a beautiful dinner and desert was more than filling. I didn't want to leave this bed or Chris but my phone vibrated on the bedside table alerting me that I had to get up and head over to Joe's to film with him and Zoe.

"Turn the alarm off Rachel, five more minutes."

Chris's morning voice was sexy as hell and it was more than tempting to hit snooze and stay as we were, but unlike him I had plans today and I liked to get there early to set up.

"Sorry Chris not today, but maybe later when I get back. I love you."

Rolling over I pecked him on the lips and he smiled lazily at me before pecking me back.

"I love you to Rachel, you better not get more YouTube famous than me. Hanging out with Suggs, you're moving up in the world."

I stuck out my tongue and squirmed out of his grasp which has loosened enough for me to escape. Chris whined and attempted to reach for me but I was quick on my feet and out of bed before realising that I was stark naked. Chris's whining stopped as he quirked an eyebrow in my direction as he eyes hungrily took in my body.

"Damm I got lucky, you better put some clothes on before I make you stay with me Rachel."

Finding a discarded cushion I threw it at my boyfriends head and laughed when it hit him full in the face. I then made a mad dash to the bathroom with the first lot of clothes I could salvage from the wardrobe.

After a quick shower I set about making myself look presentable, Zoe was beautiful and I needed to look half decent if I was going to receive nice comments from her fans. My hair was not being the best today so I put it in a side plait and hoped that it would behave. The outfit of choice was a black and red checked shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of red Vans. It wasn't the prettiest but it was me and I felt comfortable in it. The only makeup I did was winged eyeliner and dark red lips.

Chris wasn't in the bedroom when I emerged from the bathroom but I heard the TV and the sound of video games coming from the living room. I gathered my Mac, Camera and little essentials I would need including my Oyster Card and strolled out of the bedroom feeling good about the day.

"My girlfriend is hot."

I snapped back into reality when Chris commented my appearance from the sofa, I felt myself blush as I scurried into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and an apple. I still wasn't use to nice compliments.

"I don't know what time I'll be done filming Chris."

Chris grunted and did some gesture with his hand as I exited the kitchen and walked past the sofa, he was too engrossed in the video game to care. I shook my head and bit into my apple before leaving the flat.

I arrived at Joe and Caspar's ten minutes late due to a delay on the tube line. I found my way into their building and stood outside their door, but before I could knock the door swung open and I came face to face with a grinning Caspar Lee.

"Rachel, the Suggs have been expecting you. Come in."

I couldn't help but laugh at Caspar's jumpy and loud behaviour, he was everything in real life as to what he portrayed on camera. He engulfed me in a hug and I hugged him back before he pulled me into the flat and shut the door behind him.

"I'm going to retreat to my room; it was nice to meet you Rachel. We should collab sometime. The Suggs are upstairs."

Before I could utter a goodbye Caspar was already out of sight and had shut his bedroom door leaving me alone. That was a welcome I wasn't expecting, some of the nerves that I had were slowly disappearing.

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