Chapter 6

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We all Bowed our heads and held hands around the table so Vick's wife Lisa could say grace .

I held Marks hand and One of vick's daughters hands.

"Amen " We all said .

You could tell Vick was a family man and that they were all pretty close.

They all laughed at one an others jokes and showed interest in everything everyone was saying even though it was boring .

Mark was probably the only odd one out, He was the one with the most personality and that's what I liked .

"Ma Doesn't she look like Monica ?" Mark said while pointing at me .

He made me nervous when he pointed at me .

I smiled and Lisa looked me up and down then smiled .

"Yea She does, But she's way prettier " she said smiling at me, I smiled back and said "Thank you"

There was an awkward silence I guess they always had those type of awkward silences because everybody didn't say anything but looked around and ate .

Mark finally broke the silence and told me who Monica was .

"Oh Monica's my EX Girlfriend " he said directing it only to me .

I put on a fake smile because by now I was uncomfortable and ready to go home .

It was an hour or two into the dinner and finally it was over .

I shook Vick and Lisa's hand and hugged his two daughters .

Mark walked me out the house to my car, I gave him a hug . "I had a good time " I said lieing and letting go from the hug .

He semi Smiled and then took my hand "I enjoyed you to " he said looking me up and down .

I bit my lip, "Well I'm gonna leave I'll see you again right ? " I said while walking down the sidewalk to the car .

"For sure" he said and that's I'll remembered from that night .

I don't remember how I got in the car, got home , opened the door, or got in bed .

I reached across the bed to get my phone . It was 6:00 in the morning and I had 5 missed calls from guess who, Yea Chris.

I didn't want to call him back but it was just eating me inside not to .

I waited about 15 minutes to call him.

It rung about 2 × and he answered.

"Hello" judging by what he sounded like he didn't look at the name and must have been sleep .

I didn't say anything for about 2 minutes but I finally mustered up the courage to say "Hey its me Sasha "

" Sasha I miss you, when are you coming back, is it soon, I Love you " he blurted . He made me smile and blush over the phone and as bad as I wanted to hurt his feelings and act like I didn't give two fucks, I couldn't.

"I miss you to and it hasn't even been a full day and I don't know I'm thinking about coming back sometime this week "

The phone was breaking up a little "Sa----- "

"Sasha as much as I want you to come home to me, your family and friends . I would not want you to miss out on pursuing your dreams "

I was nodding my head like he was in the room with me .

"I know but its hard to be here when your there "

He laughed and that shit made mad cause here I'm thinking this niqqa than grew up and everything when in reality he the same old Christopher.

"The fuck is funny "

"Nah its because ............" I cut him off real quick .

"You know what just shut the fuck up and go tend to your baby mama cause right now i don't wanna talk to you "

I hung up before he could say anything cause for real it was getting old .

He can be my friend but he will never be my boyfriend, he ain't ready.

I let my mind and thoughts let go of Chris and everything he said on the phone, I was in that I Hate Chris mood i told you about and to be real I didn't give a flying fuck if we would make up .

Excuse my French .

*Authors Notes *

So I know where I'm going with this story but I need just a little bit more reads, votes, & comments ^.^

But to the people who have been supporting this story and my others Thank you <3

Oh & My new Avi Is Coraa

Her IG : Flightswithwiz

Follow her Please :c

I have longer chapters that are done also .

Okay so I need 30 or more votes & 10 or more comments

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