Chapter 11

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I gazed at the camera and posed as if i was in my room in my mirror  alone . "Yea that's great, that's good" the  camera man said.

I barely had any clothes on but the shoot was going great for it to be something i didn't want.

I played with the props they had on set which was some glasses a lolipop and a love seat. "good, great that's a wrap ill see you in the morning " I smiled and literally ran to my dressing room cause honestly i was ready to put some clothes on. I didn't even wanna see how the pictures came out .

I went straight home after the photoshoot even though fine ass daniel wanted me to slide by his house .

- I popped a tv dinner in the microwave and decided love and hip hop was the scene for tonight.

After all that happen today talking to chris just topped everything, even my photoshoot . That talk with Chris was surely needed cause i was starting to feel alone.

I was slowly drifting to sleep hearing Erika mena say "you can't handle my mouth", when there was as a loud as knock on my door.

I slowly got off the couch, & grabbed my tazor of the dining room table while heading for the door. I ain't know who was here but i knew i was a beautiful female in a pretty good neighborhood apartment complex and had no type of man for defense.

I looked out of the peep hole but couldn't see anything because the person had their finger in the way.

They knocked again harder and i  guess with their other hand, I jumped.

"Who is it " i said ,my voice shacky

they didn't answer and i was getting really creeped out.

I put the chain lock on the door and slightly opened up the door tazor still in my hand.

"Sasha! " the person screamed, I screamed too and slammed the door shut . I was about to call 911 but the person started laughing and sounded like someone i knew.

"Aha ha sasha its just me mark", my heart stopped beating fast.

I ran to the door and let him in, but i was in no mood for him after the shit he done pulled. He tried to hug me but i pushed him "Your so stupid don't fucking talking to me" I screamed . He looked real shock and his smile was slowly turning down. I sat mad on the couch and he sat at dining room table on Instagram, yea i was watching.

I felt really bad for what i had said to him so i thought i would cheer him up.

I walked to dining room table and sat on his lap, his punk ass acted like he ain't care when in the inside he was jumping for joy.

"You seen my pictures ?" i said playing with his chin hairs, he put his phone down. I sucked my teeth "you heard me", he shook his head and started staring into my eyes and shit . He started smiling, "what" i screamed. He laughed some more, I sucked my teeth and in a split second i was on the couch.

He slammed me on the couch and just literally ripped off all my clothes, he kissed every inch of my body that i wanted kisssed.

I took his clothes off real quick, lord knows I needed some. He ripped my panties off and rubbed my clit with his cold hands, slower then faster.

I was shaking now, he pulled my waist closer to his face and just went to work with his tongue.

By now my eyes were rolling to the back of my head, I started pulling stuff off the couch when i was almost at my peak. He sucked my clit one last time and that was the deal breaker, "ahh shit" i screamed, sighing in relief and pleasure

That was all i remembered from that night, i woke up at 6:00 am in my bed with a big shirt and no panties and no mark.

I grabbed my phone off the night stand and walked into the living room to see if he was in there but he wasn't. I sat on the couch and looked through my schedule to see what i had going on today while spongebob played.

I was going through my schedule dropping shit i ain't wanna do when I heard a knock on the door, I laughed and ran to the door and swung it right on open.

"Couldn't fool me this time" i screamed but instead of it being mark, it was my parents .

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