Episode 1: Intro - It all began at the end.

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Wyatt's POV

Hope and I got married. It was the happiest day of my life. Which I found out only happened because my brother was busy saving Ivy. Ivy, who only needed saving because my mother pushed her into the river. I know Hope will always love Liam but I know how much she loves me. I can feel it with every inch of me. I can feel it in my bones. I can feel it every time a muscle moves. I know in my heart she is the one for me. Or at least I did... Till everything went wrong.

Hope was pregnant. We were expecting our first child. Our son. A part of me and a part of her all wrapped in one bundle of joy. I decided right then and there, that he would be the most loved child ever to exist. And he will, he always will, no matter where he is now.

Hope left me. After our baby died, she blamed my mother. And ultimately she blamed me. I can't believe it. She actually blamed me for our baby's death. Like I would do anything to harm my baby, our baby. My own flesh and blood. Half me and half her.

She forgets that I lost him too. She forgets I need to mourn him too. She forget that he wasn't just her child but he was mine too. She forgets everything we've had. She forgets...

And then she leaves. She leaves Los Angeles. She leaves her line. She leaves Forrestor Creations. She leaves our family. She leaves me.

That was months ago...

This is NOW.

Where it all began - At the end.

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