Episode 18: The Family Dinner Part 2

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Hope gets on a plane after hearing her mother tell her she's about to lose another guy to Steffy. Brooke looks at Wyatt curiously, wondering what's going on with him. She sees his hand slip onto Steffy's thigh and squeeze it. She bites her lip, remembering the feeling of Wyatt's hands. She shakes her head, trying to shake those thoughts away.

Wyatt looks at Liam smugly and Liam glares right back at him. Rick on the other hand is extremely focused on the way Caroline is giggling at Thomas. He feels himself getting angry, wanting to walk across the room and punch Thomas, telling him to get away from her. He sips on his scotch in silence. 

Ivy tries to get Liam's attention, but Liam keeps his eyes focused on Steffy and Wyatt. "Can you pay attention to me, please?" Ivy huffs and Liam turns to face her. "Yeah, sorry what?" Liam asks her absentmindedly.

Bill smirks as he sees the cracks in Liam and Ivy's relationship. He's more determined than ever to get Steffy and Liam back together.  The rest of dinner continues, so much anger boiling just underneath the surface. 

Bill stands up to make a toast when the door opens and Hope walks in. "Hope!" Brooke exclaims excitedly, "You're here." Hope smiles at her and hugs everyone before walking over to Wyatt. 

"Can we talk?" She looks up at him with puppy dog eyes. He shrugs and follows her outside onto the beach. 

"What are you doing here, Hope?" Wyatt asks her. 

"I've missed you," She says, rubbing his arm affectionately, "I made a mistake leaving you."

"Yes, you did make a mistake," Wyatt replies, "But you did leave me and I've moved on."

"You loved me Wyatt, love like that doesn't go away. I know you still feel something for me," She pleads with him. 

"Maybe I do... But I spent so long being committed to you, I don't feel like tying myself down again," Wyatt says and eyes her reaction curiously.

"Okay, so don't," Hope offers, "We'll keep things casual for now. Give you time to decide what you want."

"And you're okay with that?" Wyatt asks raising his eyebrow. 

"Are you okay with this?" Hope asks before crashing her lips onto his passionately. He kisses her back, pulling her in by her hips and grabbing her ass. She moans into the kiss.

Steffy watches the two of them from afar and feels angry, hurt and betrayed. Of course she's always second to perfect Hope Logan. Well she'll show her, Wyatt is hers now, Hope can't have him back. Steffy starts to plot how to win back Wyatt's attention. She could feel it slipping away the moment Hope walked through the door. They share a history she cannot compete with.

Liam sees two women he is pining for lavishing attention on his brother and ignores Ivy who is growing increasingly tired of his behaviour. Bill frowns, watching the scene before him unfold. 'What exactly is going on here?' He thinks to himself confused.

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