Chapter 18

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The Next Day

Craig POV

I woke up from my phone ringing. It was Dee.


D: Appointment. 1pm. Be there.

C: Damn, no good morning

D: Good Morning Craig

C: That's not more like it and okay I'll be ready in an hour.

D: Okay

C: Bye

D: B---GCO

📞hangs up📞

I looked at the clock 12:00. I got in the shower and got dressed.

By the time I was ready it was 12:45. It's now or never.

- At the Hospital -

I walked in to see Dee waving me over. As soon as I got to her the doctor came out.

Dr.: Ms. Wilson

Dee: That's me

We walked in the room as the doctor told Dee the procedure and stuff. I was just pacing back and forth.

...An Hour later...

Dr.: So Ms.Wilson, it turns out that you are in fact pregnant but.....ehh

Dee: but what?

Craig: Is something wrong?

Dr.: Well Mr..uhh...Crippen is it?

Craig: Yeah

Dr.: The baby is in fact.......not yours

I looked at Dee as her face dropped completely, she was as shocked as I was.

Dee: That's impossible

Dr.: Ma'am the test results don't lie

Dee: I can't believe this

I just sighed and got up and walked out. It's not my child. I had to tell Sharoya.

When I got to Shaorya's house, she was just about to leave.

Craig: Baby Baby Baby Baby. I have great news.

Sharoya: and that is?

Craig: So I went to the doctor with Dee today.

Sharoya:😒 and. . .

Craig: The baby isn't mine

Sharoya: 😄 that's amazing, well I mean not for her but I'm glad your not the baby father but if you were then you'd have to........GCO

I kissed her so passionately and hugged her tightly.

Craig: I Love You Sharoya

Sharoya: I Love You Too

At the point I knew what it was. I had my girl back. Nothing was gonna stop us now.

We went to Santo's house to chill and then we stayed the night. Yeah it was fun.


What? It can not be possible. I can't believe I had sex with.........


He had a condom.





I know it's a short chapter but I have stuff to do and this was something quick.

Who did Dee have sex with?

What will happen with Bri and Jacob?

Ray and Milani?

Craig and Sharoya?

Is Max a changed person?

Answer these questions. Give some ideas. Comment. Vote. Follow me.

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