The Bright Side is!!

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(The photo above is of Mia)
Tia's POV

Yesterday went by and all I could do was lay in bed and continuously replay my recent events with Alpha Noah. Every time I think about him, I can't help but smile now. At first I thought that he was a complete ass but now ever since he returned my bracelet I feel all fuzzy.
' fuzzy?' ~ wolf
' interesting choice of words, I would have chosen the words hot and bothered tbh'~wolf

I couldn't help but laugh at my wolfs remarks.
I leave my bedroom a smiling mess and decide that me and Mia should meet up.

' hey gurl'
' hey what's up boo'~Mia
' Nothing much, just wanted to hang out'

After I send that message I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge pulling out a bottle of water.

' sure thing, meet in like 15 minutes at the main mall'~Mia
'Kk, meet me in Forever 21, I need a few crop tops (;'
' same girl same, I really need a good maxi dress from somewhere'~ Mia
'Lol ok ttyl *blows kiss*'
' *catches kiss* bye bae'~ Mia

I open the cabinet and grab a bag of Sun Garden Salsa chips and make my way back up to my room.
I put on my Jordan's and make my way downstairs, grabbing my keys while munching on the chips.

I drive for about 10 minutes and when I get to the mall I park, and make my way to the main entrance.
When I reach for the door, a guy grabs it first causing me to step back.
Once I step back allowing the guy to go in before me he says
" No, ladies first"
I smile politely and proceed to walk through the doors, once i take my first step I turn around and reply with a simple " thank you" and smile.

However... Something catches me off guard.... The face that I'm looking at seems oddly familiar...
I shake it off and continue on my journey to Forever 21, once I walk inside and begin browsing through the section of crop tops, I turn around and see Mia.

Like usual she runs up to me and makes this big scene, starts dancing 'to no music... Because she's cray cray' and then showers me with hugs and kisses.

" what's up girlleeyyyyyyy?!?!" She yells into my ear
" I'm trying to see if this is to bright of a color for me to wear" I reply While holding up a neon green crop top that says ' I'm a boss'
" no I think that it's fine" she replies while grabbing the bottom of the shirt and pressing it up against me.

We then make our way around the store and when we join the check out line we have about 5 items each.
I ended up buying the neon green crop top from before; a pair of dark denim shorts, a lace top, a red long dress, and a beauty blender.

While Mia had a sheer gray top, a white maxi dress, a pair of lace trimmed shorts, a white jeans jacket, and a shirt that says ' made in America'.

After we check out we end up going to the Auntie Annie's store and buying some hotdog pretzels. While munching on our pretzels I see the guy from earlier with another man. And that is when it hits me... These are the guys that I saw when I crossed onto Alpha Noah's territory...

Noah's POV

When I arrived home I saw my betas car already parked in my driveway. I park, by my bird fountain and walk up to my front door. When I open the door and walk into my living room I see Chase playing my Xbox. He looks up at me and says " what's up bro"
I just give him a slight nod of the head in reply.

' does this guy not have a home?'~ Wolf
' oh shut up '

I continue walking until I reach the kitchen, where I place my car keys onto the counter. Blindly reaching up into my cabinet while scrolling through my text messages I grab a bag of chips. Seeing the familiar blue bag I open it and begin to munch on my Doritos.

I make my way to my bedroom and slide off my shoes, while untying my tie.
Then I take of my clothes and jump into bed with only boxers as usual.

After laying in bed for about an hour I'm in the middle of watching some random move about this murderer when I get a text.
' ayy, I'm out'~ Chase
' Kk'
' going to the mall to get some food, and a few white shirts'~ Chase
' get me some food too, preferable something meaty'

Right after I sent the message I picked up on my utter fuck up as Chase reply with
'That's what she said'
shaking my head I just put my phone down and proceed to take a nap.

About 3 hours later I'm awoken by a big ruckus. When I look up I see Chase in my room.

" ayy, what's with all of the commotion?"
" you won't believe what just happened"

I stare at him blindly, getting the message he continues with the conversation.

" so remember that chick that was trespassing on our land, well I bumped into her at the mall, she really fucked up now"

I reply with " that's already been taken care of"

Out of the corner of my eye I see his eyebrows scrunch together as he replays with " wait... What do you mean?"

" don't question me... I said it's been taken care of" I reply beginning to get impatient.

Chase starts to walk away when I see him flare his nostrils ( an old habit that he does when he's done something bad), " why so jittery Chase?" I ask

He chuckles nervously and says " no reason"

Getting irritated again I reply " spill it!"

He once again chuckles and says " well I sort of acted with Beta instinct..."
"Continue Chase"
He continues with " and longer story short, her and her friend are currently locked up in the dungeon"
Seeing the shocked expression on my face he tries to lighten the mood with " but hey one up side is, her friend is my mateeee!!!!"

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