Roommates Forever

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Green walked out of the room after receiving info about his dorm and magic. He was the same as the other years; an Air elemental wizard. But he still knew some other elemental spells that weren't air. In fact, he studied all the spells there is to know. He hasn't tried them all because he's seen the screw ups Blue, Red and Gold have done in the past.

"Can you shut up already?" Green heard a familiar, cold voice from a room. He stopped and slowly looked at the dorm number then his paper. He sighed in annoyance.

"No! I want that bed!" The raven haired boy shouted. Green walked into the dorm and saw the red-head about to punch Gold.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Green quickly came in to stop the fight.

Silver looked up at Green with a scowl on his face.

"Oh, hello senpai!" Gold grinned, as if he wasn't about to get beaten to a pulp. "What we're doing is solving our problems."

"Well, what's the damn problem?" Green asked.

"I was just trying to be kind by taking the bed furthest away from the window in case somebody breaks in at night. They would kill whoever is sleeping on the closest bed first." Gold explained.

Green stared at him with a 'are you serious' face. Gold just nodded.

"Selfish idiot, I was saving this bed for our third roommate because I'm actually kind!"

"You? Kind?" Gold smirked.

Silver was about to punch him again before Green caught his fist. "Stop fighting already. I'm your third roommate." Gold and Silver looked at Green.

"Oh." Silver started. He looked at the beds once again. "Then never mind, you can get murdered first."

"These are bunk beds." Green pointed out as Gold climbed to the top bunk of the furthest away bed.

"And?" Silver asked, going to the lower bunk. Silver didn't have a problem now. He was perfectly fine with annoying Gold by kicking his mattress all night just for pay back. Not that Gold knew that.

Green sighed, "Am I really stuck with these two..." He mumbled to himself. Green began to unpack his stuff, having to hear Gold and Silver fight over drawers, shelves, panty-raiding and such. "I can't live like this," Green thought. He looked over to see Gold holding Silver's boxes away from him.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Silver shouted, trying to get his boxers back. Gold didn't answer him and continued to taunt him.

"Oh, those look really nice..." Said two people standing at the door. Blue and Ruby. "Silver, you actually have the boxers I bought you!? Aren't they adorable!?"

"Very." Gold and Ruby agreed, making Silver fume even more.

"Oh, Hello, Greenie!" She waved at Green who looked over his shoulder at her.

Green sighed and turned around, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well, I was escorting Ruby here to his room as well as looking for you! And here you are!" Blue looked at Gold and Silver who were now wrestling on the ground. "Good luck." She said, patting Ruby's back, slightly pushing him into the room.

Ruby took the last spot available for his sleeping space, climbing to the top bunk above Green, who didn't really care about getting murdered because he knew that wouldn't happen. He never liked the top bunk anyway, he felt too tall for it.

Blue looked at them, "Well, Green... Good luck to you too..." She quickly ran out when she saw Gold moon Silver.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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