Is this Real Love ( mindless behavior love story) *princeton* part 5

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(The Next Day)

10:00 am

*prince P.O.V*

I woke up to loud laughing and talkin, ashley was in the mirror like always trying to make her self look good , i always tell she's naturally beautiful with or without make - up

*end of P.O.V*

Ash: *turns around* well look who's up .... My prince *goes over by bed and sits next to him*

Primce: *smiling* well look at my princess ... Bby who's downstairs makeing all that noise ? *looking annoyed*

Ash: oh thats ray , prod , roc and ray and prods girls .. Oh and morgan so go get cleaned we going to IHop *jumps up* yummy ! *leaves*

Prince: *lays back then bumps his head* ow ow .. Well that woke me up *rubbing his head getting up thand goes and do his morning stuff*


Ray: man were is princeton

Roc: he probly makin shore he lookin good

Ash: prince bby come down stairs !!

Prince: im here im here

Prod: thank yhu ... Wat took yhu so long ?

Prince: well can a guy make shore he lookin good dangg

Roc: ohh god *shakes head* lets just go

( Narrator P.O.V)

Everyones gets in a limo and goes to Ihop they order ,eat then leave

A/N - I feel like this is a mindless behavior story so imma put more parts with prince and ashley cuz its a princeton love story i feel like im puting too much roc ray and prod so yea Vote ! And Follow Plzz

- Ne Ne

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