Pizza Delivery Girl (Joshua)

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"Annyeonghaseyo" I answered into the phone, "Nam ui pizza gage ga eotteohge dowa deulilkkayo?" I asked the person on the other side.

"Annyeong Min Ji!" The voice I knew all to well answered back causing me to squeal "Someone's happy to hear me" they teased me.

"Of course it's not everyday I get to speak to you!" I answered back "Young Min oppa! what do you want?"

"The usual with 3 extra boxes today I'm with extra people today" He said to me I could tell he was happier than usual today but decided not to question him.

"Ok so delivery or will someone pick it up?" I asked I was secretly hoping he said delivery cause then I'd get to see him especially cause I haven't seen him in a while.

"Aw does little Min Ji miss her brother" he teased me, did I say that out loud shoot! I could feel the blush appear on my cheeks oh so slightly. "But delivery of course so I can see my pretty little sister"

"Shut up!" I groaned while I heard him chuckle at the other end of the phone "Can I stay and eat with you guys then my shift is almost over?" I asked hope laced in my voice.

"Sure if you pay for them I'll pay you back when you get here" He said to me just as cheery.

"Ok I'll see you in about 40!" I said happily "bye!" I said smiling.

"Bye" he said before hanging up the phone.

I danced happily around the pizza parlour and telling my colleague in the kitchen the orders so the pizza could me made. Just then the manager came in to start her shift. I smiled at her and continued to dance around the room. She just laughed at my behaviour before putting on her apron and tying back her hair.

"Annyeong Min Ji why are you happy? Did your brother call you?" she asked in her cute accent she'd been learning English at her college and liked speaking to me in English as in her words "it makes improve me" but I knew what she really meant. It was really good at how hard she tried and how hard she worked.

"Annyeong Kyung Soon unnie!" I said smiling.

"Good have fun it's not often you get to see him!" She said smiling before busying herself with tiding the tables and neatening the place up. That was my cue to leave and change out of my work dress. I quietly made my way to my locker in the girls' locker room before changing into a pair of blue jeans, a white oversized shirt, a snapback and black boots that gave me about 3 inches more in height I need it.

I put my work dress inside my bag that had my books from today's classes in and made my way back to the front. Grabbing my green parka walking back into the front, Kyung Soon had changed the music so now Big Bang was quietly humming through the shop.

The bell in the kitchen went ding signalling that the pizza's we done. Kyung Soon went behind the counter and took my card so I could pay for the pizzas. Throwing on my coat I grabbed the pizzas and put them in my car and began driving towards the Pledis building.

My brother is Kwak Young Min aka Aron from Nu'est so you probably understand why I don't see him often as he's an idol. So it just makes seeing him more special I'm friends with the entire band and After School as well. It's the perks of having an for a idol brother. Now I'm waiting for the day I meet Exo.

I reached the building and grabbed the pizzas walking towards the building. I saw a few fans some recognised me. The security guard also recognised me and smiled when I went past. I walked towards his practise room I knew the way there and everyone knew me so they either smiled or nodded at me when I walked past them.

I had reached the practise room and opened the door balancing the pizza boxes on one hand something I'd gotten good at over the years.  "Hey Young Min I bought the piz-" I stopped mid sentence as I looked at the boys inside the practise room they were definitely not Nu'est they were however good looking.

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