All Hell Breaks Loose

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Saturday Morning
Mamas POV

"Wtf?" I couldn't believe what I overheard my bitch of ex husband say to my baby girl and the second I hear him say that I flew from my bed stomping down the hall and with all the anger built up in me I kick the door down and it flies off the hinges and hit Dan in the head.

My babygirl was standing there screaming and crying terrified because she had no idea whats going on all she seen was her dad get whacked in the head by a door!
I glanced over at her with tears in my eyes and yell "Leigha go outside....NOW!!". She looks up at me and down at her dad and flees the room.

I looked down at the scum of the earth with my hand around his throat,and told him "Look here you sick son of a bitch,you've already hurt me and YOUR OWN daughter,you will NOT take my babygirl away from me". He looked up at me eyes bloodshot from being drunk,gasping for air trying to get words out. "This is something that I should've done a long time ago,after you put your hands on me"....I pause and with every piece of me I draw back in my arm punch him in the face over and over and over....

I blacked out,as I began to wake up I hear abulances and my oldest daughter's voice speaking with several policemen.

Police:Ma'am you do realize we're going to have to take your mother into custody,this was a act of domestic violence even though Mr.Johnson was heavily intoxicated under the influence.
Dena:She was fucking protecting herself and Leigha! He is a sick pervert and you're not going to do anything to him
Police:Ma'am I understand that but..

I hear Leigha call out for me as the police read me my miranda rights and arrest me..the sound of my babygirl calling out for me and I couldn't stay with her to console her broke my heart.
"Stupid son of a bitch",the tears began to stream down my face as they put me in the back of their car ripping me away from my daughter. I look over out the cloudy window and I see them bringing out my ex-husband placing him in the back of the ambulance trying to get his story but seems as if he can't talk.

With tears nonstop rollin down my face and I look down at my hands and they're covered in blood *thinking to myself* "what the hell did I do?? The policeman enters the car and we slowly pull out of the yard and I yell through the window for the last time I can say to my babygirl "I'm sorry,I love you!,I'll be back soon,DENA TAKE CARE OF MY BABY!

But what broke my heart the most I watched as Leigha run after the police car as far as she could.
*looking down at my hands with an evil smirk*"The asshole deserved it,wait til' I get out".........

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