Revelation (part 1)

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Walking back into the classroom and to my previous seat next to xavier i spent the remainder of class wondering what river was doing when the bell rang i saw xavier turn towards me from the corner of my eye"Wanna get out of here?" i mumbled a yes and we made our way through the car park to his car. " where are we going?" " we're going to the arcade" he answered my question while pulling out of the school driveway . When we arrived at the arcade the neighboring buildings looked domesticated and abandoned all in all the neighborhood was a trashy place but i wasn't going to say anything. Inside of the arcade was packed there were kids of all ages here even a big group of grown men to sum it up there were only men in this place with a small amount of females and most of them looking rather trashy in their outfits.

It had been a few hours that we spent playing games more like me playing and xavier just watching " hey I'm gonna go run to get some food ill be back don't talk to anyone or go anywhere" i only nodded my head more focused on beating the game finally beating the game i did my small victory dance and found a small sitting area to wait for xavier to bring the food" less than a few minuets later  I felt someone tap me on the leg i looked down only to find the most adorable looking little boy " well hi there what's the matter?" i asked turning towards him his eyes looked scared and sad " I can't find my mommy and nobody will help me will you help me big sister ?" without hesitation I grabbed his hand and led him out the arcade the little boy in lead we were walking down the street when he turned to go into an alley " hey why are we going in here i don't think your mom will be in here" the little boy stopped and turned to look at me his face no longer showed that of a little boy but a skull that was nothing but bones " what are you!!!!!!?" i screamed trying to rip my hand out of his now enlarged hand I looked around to find that we were no longer in an alley but a metal chamber " why my name is sebastian and you my dear are being held captive obviously " he voice had a condescending tone to it and i didn't appreciate it very much" he no longer was in the form of a little boy nor was his head a skull skin now replaced it, with a boy who looked to be a few years older than myself. " What are you, and why am i being kidnapped?" i asked crossing my arms hoping to look unafraid but on the inside a was a bit weary and scared " well for starters i am a demon but if you want to be specific i am a tracer a tracer is another name for shapeshifter. you are being kidnaped  because you know that stupid forneus demon who i hate and with to die" he smiled maliciously standing he walked over to me and opened the cage that i arrived in grabbing my wrist he tugged on me and led me to a barren room that had only two shackles hanging from the ceiling he raised one arm above my head and locked the shackle around my wrist doing the same to my other hand." I dont know any forneus you have the wrong person and i don't believe that you're a demon" i said giving him an exasperated look. he only smirked " oh i know you know who that forneus is for his human name is Xavier Daniel Rhys" my eyes widened ' is this guy on crack or something or does he have a mental disease but then that wouldn't explain how we got to this place' i thought to myself " you honestly expect me to believe anything thats coming from your mouth?" i raised my eyebrow " i don't need you to i just need to show you and show you i will" he laughed walking away and leaving me alone in the dark room I'm shackled to.

Hours have passed with me being left alone in this dark and decrepit room starved i haven't eaten since lunch and that was a while ago possibly five or eight hours and i have never ever gone so long without eating longest was twenty minuets " hello again my dear how are you doing?" he asked amusement showing clearly in his eyes " oh put a sock in it i don't wanna hear your voice right now" i spat out. RINGGGGGGGGG i jumped from where i was hanging shocked that i even had any service from where i was.  Sebastian walked towards me and took my phone out answering whoever had called me " BROOK WHERE ARE YOU!?" it was xavier he was looking for me my eyes began to water at the thought of him looking for me i began to wonder if river was too looking for me. " well hello there friend how's it going in the human world -yeah its me sebastine- yes yes i will put you on speaker" he tapped my phone and held it out a big smile on his face  "there you go your majesty" he rolled his eyes " brooklyn! are you okay did he hurt you where are you?" he demanded " i-i don't know i'm slightly scared and majorly pissed they've been starving me they could have done anything but that you know how much i love my food xav please come get me i really want to eat food. I think we went down an alley by the arcade and then- Ahh shit" i hissed as Sebastian slapped me " shut up dont try and lead him to us or i will kill you" he yelled forgetting that xavier was still on the line " brooklyn don't worry i'm coming to get you" then he hung up and i was once alone again. And yet i still didn't have any food and that is what made me the most depressed :(

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