Reunions and Encounters

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^^ Brooklyn





"ugh who could be up at this time and who wants to talk to me anyways???" I thought to myself as I forced myself out of my bed and down the stairs toward the front door. When i reached the door flinging it open I was met with a tall silhouetted figure which was accompanied with a halo of sunlight. "Who are you?"  I grumbled rubbing my eyes. Just then the dark silhouette spoke his voice deep and smooth " is this how you greet all of your old friends it isn't very nice of you?" an amused voice asked me I looked closer at the face that was in front of me. " r-river is that you OH MY GOSH RIVER I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" I yelled jumping and wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a big bear hug " you've changed A LOT" I said taking in his more malier features he jawline was more sculpted his already light blonde hair had gotten lighter to the point of looking the color of snow. Don't even get me started on his eyes cue the swooning they had turned a sapphire blue color. " Where have you been all this time I'm still mad at you for just up and leaving like that and making me be all alone i had no friends you know how i am around new people i hate it" I said pouting and punching him in the arm.

        " Dang it Brooklyn your punches still hurt really freaking bad! have you gotten stronger?!" he pouted while rubbing his sore arm I just smiled sweetly at him. By that time we had moved in to the living room he looked all around the room looking for something or someone " hey lyn where are your parents?" he gave me a curious look " they're gone like always nothing surprising" rolling my eyes I turned away to go into the kitchen I was starting to feel hungry " want something to eat riv?"' sure". After we were finished eating river left to go home.

~Next Morning~

    " Brook hey Brook wake up we have to go to school" river whispered to me as he shook me gently " keep trying to wake me up and I'll stab you with a pair of dull chopsticks"  I growled out popping one eye open " and I have no friends so there's no point in me waking up " Geez what's up with you and threatening people with chopsticks? Dull chopsticks none the less"" anndddd starting today you do have a friend and guess who go ahead guess? Me that's who" he said pointing to himself with his thumb. " ugh fine get out so i can get dressed" i commanded pushing him out of the room, I walked to my closet throwing on dark blue skinny jeans with a plain white t-shirt and blue and white jordans I let my hair fall down my back in my natural loose curls my hair ended right above my butt. I grabbed my book bag and ran down the stairs catching up with river as he headed out the door " thanks for waking me up but you could have let me eat breakfast first." i said jabbing him in the chest with my finger. Since i was walking backwards i couldn't see who was behind me and ended up bumping and falling to the ground on top of somebody and that somebody had a strong sinewy body that could only belong to a male. My eyes traveled from his chest to his cold red garnet colored eyes never in my life have I ever met somebody with his eyes color and what made them stand out even more was his deliciously tanned skin made him look godly continuing to look into his eyes I instantly fell in love with them " sorry not sorry ry but i have a new favorite eye color its this boys" I thought to myself as i openly stared "will you get off of me!?" the boy grunted "oh my gosh i am so sorry i ran into you are you okay this is all my fault im sorry" i gushed out, he all but glared pushing me off of him he stood and turned to walk off " brook are you okay he didn't do anything to you did he? I'm gonna beat him up yeah thats what ill do" i heard river talking to himself I reached up and grabbed his ear twisting it and pulling him by it i told him " you will do no such thing for i have fallin in love with his eyes" I declared. We continued walking to school when we arrived we both separated me going to my class and him with his friends.

I was about to enter my class when a hand grasped my wrist and spun me around I  was met with those beautiful garnet eyes that spoke on many levels "yes is there anything you need?" i asked quirking an eyebrow " uh I just wanted to say sorry for being rude and wanted to ask if you were okay." he confessed while rubbing the back of his neck. " o-oh yeah of course im okay and no worries It's' no biggie" i said waving my hand in the air. " Hey are you  going to this class cause if so wanna sit with me its not like i have anybody else to sit with and i just love your eyes and what's your name?" My eyes widened after i said that "uh uh sorry i didnt mean to say that what am i talking about of course i did ugh lets just go" i said grabbing his hand before we could move anywhere he stopped me " my name is Xavier" before we could start walking again he pulled his hand from my grip not wanting to embarrass myself more I walked off  . After that i dragged him into the classroom and sitting down with him besides me we both sat in a somewhat comfortable silence.

In the middle of the class we had become a bit more comfortable to the point where xavier placed his arm behind my chair and we were laughing and talking  just then the door was thrown open and in came walking my idiot of a best friend he began surveying the room when his eyes landed on saviors arm behind my chair his eyes hardened and he began stalking towards us " move your arm right now" he spat out but xavier didn't even flinch or attempt to move his arm instead he made himself even more comfortable i couldn't help but chuckle lightly. " I said. move . your . arm . now!" he yelled  "well hello to you to river its nice to see you again" he grinned lazily but his eyes said otherwise. "River calm down he's not doing anything wrong" i defended river looked hurt the hurt was replaced by an empty emotion " how about you shutup you whore no one asked you so how about you be a good little slut and sit down and stay out of this" he spit out the words dangerously low I was beyond hurt, beyond anger i was outraged he said that. from the expression i was wearing it must of snapped him out of his rage  because he soon had a regretful look in his eyes before he could even speak i slapped him hard across the face and exited the room into the hall " brooke wait please I'm sorry" i kept walking ignoring him calling me " please lyn i know you hear me" "lyn" "lyn" 'ugh he won't shut up' i thought and that was just making me angrier when he wouldn't stop i couldn't hold the anger in anymore " who the heck do you think you are talking to me like that i don't know who you thin you are but you better get off your high horse before i knock you off it, better yet you better let me" i couldn't stop but i knew i should" " brooke i said I'm sorry you know i can't control my anger the well" i knew the was ashamed of that fact but he should really work on it " well you should work on it and until you can control it relatively well or i think you can don't talk to me because i won't tolerate you talking to me like that ever even if you are my best friend understand?" he only nodded and quickly pulled me into a hug before walking down the hall and passed the calls guess he was gonna skip he always did that when he was angry afraid that he would hurt someone.  I can only hope he earns to control it.

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