Morris High

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Today is my first day of high school and I'm already getting bullied. But not by boys. They think that I'm cute and when I auditioned for chorus, they all started clapping for my and saying my voice was like an angel! It was the uptight, pig-nosed, Barbie Doll fake, snobs. They had noticed that the captain of the football team looking at me. Turns out that the leader of that group, Savannah, had went out with him. His name was Maurice. Maurice was sexy. Trey Songz sexy. Every girl wanted him. I wanted him. He wanted me. That's why she doesn't like me. Also because she thinks I talk weird. I have a little accent. Kinda Austrailian. It's only because I lived in Austrailia. So one day at lunch, he invited me over to his table. So like any other senior, I went over there. 

* Conversation*

Maurice: Hey Sumer, come sit wit us over here!

Me: Okay! 

M: So, how is you? 

S: Fine. 

M: Sure is fine! Hey, me and a few friends is goin' to da movies later. Wanna come?

S: Sure! My momma and daddy will let me go. What time should I be there?

M: Do you have a car? 

S: Yeah but it go wrecked when my cousin drove it. 

M: Gimme your phone number. 

S: Why

M: So you can text me your address. I can pick you up. 

S: Okay. 

*Bell Ringing*

S: I gotta go. See ya later. 

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