The News

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Sumer POV

When I got home, I got a message from Maurice. 

*Phone Conversation*

StarFootball: Hey Sumer! Get ready, we'll be over at 5:00.

NextBeyonce: I can't go. Marcus is in the hospital. He's my adopted daddy. He was shot accidentally. 

StarFootball: Okay. Hope he makes it. See you at school. 


" Hello ma'am? Were here for Marcus Aaron. What room is he in?" 

" Room 8 on the fifth floor."

" Thank ya."

" Mhhm-Mhmm."

When we got to the room. I seen my Joanna and Gary ( grandparents on Marcus side). Then the doctor came out of the room. 

" I'm sorry. He didn't make it." The doctor left after that. 

" Chelsea?" Was all I could say before we both crashed on the floor crying. 

" Excuse me? Are ya'll Marcus Aaron family?" Some man I'm a white shirt with plack work pants on came up to us and asked. 

" Y-Y-Yea. Who are you?" Is all I could say. 

" I'm Tré Jones. I was 'posses to be shot. I'm sorry. *crying* I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know. I shoulda died. This ain't how it 'posses ta end man. It's ain't!" He screamed. 

" Baby, it ain't your fault. You didn't pull the trigger. God has a plan for is all. His plan was for you to stay and for Marcus to leave. He needed Marcus upstairs and he needs you down here to do some'tin great. It gonna be alright baby. It gonna be alright." Joanna said. Joanna dropped me off at home since I had school the next day. Chelsea, Joanna, Gary and Marcus's sisters and brothers went to go help set up the funeral. Before I went to bed, I cried. I cried out if joy. Out of joy that he seen me in that orphanage and that he chose me. Out if anger at the person who shot him and most of all, out of sadness. I was sad that he isn't here anymore and that he never will be. 

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