Chapter 6

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Today is the first day of Church. When we left the house I made sure that I brought my iPhone. I put it in my pocket and off we went. When we where in the car Mum told us everything that we can't do. She said that Church is a quiet and respectful place and that means no burping, farting, picking noses and most importantly NO TALKING. "You don't have to be so loud" I said. "Sorry Luke,"Mum said "Where here" Dad said. We got out of the car and walked to our seats. When we got there Sophia said "I'm Hungry I need to go to the toilet, I'm thirsty" "Shut up!" I said. We found a seat and all I did was stand up and sit down, Up down up down up down up down continuously at first I was ok with it because it was fun until I heard this " Please Kneel " That just ruined the fun. Eventually we got up and started to walk up the aisle to receive the bread and wine when I was about half way up the aisle I had completely forgotten how to take the bread so I tried to remembered and tried and tried and tried and then it was my turn I went to receive the bread and put out my hand then the priest said "The body of christ" and I said "What, Oh right Amen" Then I walked back to my seat. At the end of the mass I was so happy I got in the car and we where on our way home well not technically, half way down the road we ran out of fuel "Oh Crap" I said. Mum called the RACV and they were as slow as a turtle 40 minutes later they rang up Mum and said "Hi Mrs Gillard, Unfortunately we have ran out of fuel as well so we will call the RACV Reception and someone else will come"said the RACV man "Don't even bother" Said Mum and then she ended the call. "Looks like help's not coming"  Mum said, "I have a idea" I said "let's call Allianz" "Good idea" Mum said "Just one problem. We aren't in the Allianz Club" "Oh Crap" said Sofia "Don't use that language Sofia!"


Hey Guys, Sorry for not updating in a while it's feels like a year has passed since I updated.

I have been caught up in so much work lately and I keep forgetting to update. From now on I will promise I will update more often.

Bye Guys

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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