Chapter 4

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Yesterday was a great day because we had the best teacher Mr Curcio! He had a puppet called pinocchio. He was so funny apart from his paintings that he was talking about for an Hour!!! Unfortunalty we had Miss Gotham back at school and she was nothing like Mr Curcio. We had to do tests from the start of the day until recess which was really boring. At recess today I told Jake and Liam about the note to Holly and they were having second thoughts about it. Liam told me a story about a kid named Jemery Mire how he gave a girl he had a crush on called Nicola Mudford. Jemery gave Nicola the note and we never saw the end of Jemery Mire. When we went back inside from recess Holly came up to me and said something that I didn't think she would say "Thanks Luke that is so sweet and I been kinda checking you out myself" I felt like I wanted to vomit and for once in my life I had seriously was lost for words!! That's when I remembered that I am leaving Melbourne and going to Perth at the end of the Term. DINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! There's the bell better get to the classroom before Miss Gotham gets there. When we got to the classroom Miss Gotham had exicting news " I'm engaged" "OMGGG" (Meaning - Oh my great goly goodness) When I was walking home with Liam today I couldn't believe that Miss Gotham is actually engaged  "I wonder if maybe we will have Mr Curcio he was so good" said Liam. " I hope so" I said. When I got home from school I ran into the Living Room to tell Mum " Miss Gotham is engaged" OMG" Mum said. Then I just remembered every time I tell Mum about something happening to someone she gets me straight into the car and drives me to Myer, Target, Kmart, Witchery, Sussan, Lorna Jeans and other stores and she buys a present for them which is fine by me which I think that every Mum would do, but my mum is different because she finds a present for someone but something for her or someone irrelevant to why we came in the first place. So never tell my mum about these types of things because this happens. When we got to school today there was announcement over the loud speaker "Good morning children, today is a very sad day because its Miss Gotham is going to get married and go to her honeymoon so if you see her around please say goodbye also if you where wondering 6G your replacement teachers will be Mrs Belovitch and Mr Kennedy Thank you and have a good day" Then as soon as the announcement was over Miss Gotham had a whole bunch of hands in her face "Ok 6G go to your desk and I will tell you what will be happening as Mr John said over the loudspeaker your new teachers will be Mrs Belovitch and Mr Kennedy who are new to our school. They will be coming in today and we are going to meet them". Helen raised her hand up "What day will we have Mrs Belovitch and which day will we have Mr Kennedy" "Good question Helen you will have Mrs Belovitch on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and Mr Kennedy on Thursday and Friday. "Now everyone please take out your Japanese book for Mr Cho" said Miss Gotham. We where all waiting for Mr Cho we waited for about 6 minutes eventually he arrived. "Sorry Amanda had a problem with my car" Don't worry about it I'm off to the staffroom there all yours" said Miss Gotham. As soon as Miss Gotham left Mr Cho started to walk to the front of the room. "Now 6G who finished their homework" said Mr Cho. Everybody shouted "YES MR CHO" except me. I completely forgot about it then I had an excellent excuse I raised my hand " Yes Luke" said Mr Cho, "I couldn't do my homework because my cousin Zac had a broken hand and foot during football practice".


Hey guys,

Oh dear Luke is screwed he is in so much trouble 😦😦😢😔😔😖
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