Chapter 19

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Few, that took longer than expected. Sorry guys xc but this chapter will be worth it. I'm introducing two new characters!

Ok, something to talk about quickly, without spoiling too much, I have a character named Matt, who is married to Chris. Now there is a couple reasons why I did not make it KickTheStickz. The first reason is because, I don't really ship it. Not enough to add it into the story. Another reason is because the ship is very controversial. And the last being is that (spoiler) I want to add a character who is going to be really important to Phil later, and I want to be able to choose who that character is completely and not have to follow PJ. I know I am writing a fanfiction but it's also me that is writing, I'm making this how I want. If you don't like it, then get the fuck off my account and stop reading. Everyone on here already knows how I work.  Enjoy the story <3

Talk to me in direct message, comments or on my message board! I talk to everyone!

Chris Kendall sighed before taking a sip of his beer. He was currently waiting for the idiot that was his best friend to arrive. The man has been so caught up with his love, that the two friends have barely seen each other. Chris was legitimately dragging the lug out tonight. And he was late.

His friend finally arrived, out of breath and out of line. His suit was a mess. "You're such an idiot." "I know. Don't remind me." He fixed himself up a bit and ordered a beer. "So how have things been?" "Great." Dan responded, a happy tone to his voice. "Have you fucked him yet?"

"Chris!" Chris begins to chuckle. "I'm kidding man. I know about him. You talk about him all the time in e-mails." "Sorry." "It's cool man. This is the first time you've been super in love and have been super sure about it." Dan sighs happily. "Yeah."

"So when do I get to meet him?" "I don't know. Soon? Maybe you and Matt could come over for dinner. Phil is super good at cooking, you'll like it." Matt was Chris' husband. Unlike Dan and Phil, Matt wasn't arranged. When Matt turned 16, the two of them got married because Chris liked the boy a lot and it was to save the younger from an abusive family.

Dan remembers the day he found Phil. He was really happy.


Dan was being forced to marry, because he's already 25 and he hasn't found anyone. He has 31 days to find someone and make a negotiation. If he disobeys, then he'll get disowned. His parents helped though, they got him a bunch of eligible wife's and husbands, taking his sexuality into consideration.

Dan had 231 different profiles, and his deadline was almost up, he had 14 days left. Dan dragged out as much as he could, and now he has so many stacks. He had to call Chris for help.

When Chris got there, they popped open some beers and dived head first into millions of papers about different people. It included everything about them and their families. Some of the men and women were beautiful, but still none of them stuck out. He had chosen 3 and he was currently deciding which he would have to go for.

A knock on the door interrupted the two men. It opened, and one of the maids walked in. She had a couple folders in her hands and Dan rolled his eyes. "Hand them here, not that they will make any difference." Dan sighed, opening the first one. The first person was average, nothing too special.

When he opened the second one, he smiled. The boy was cute. But he was so young! He was 15! He felt like a perv for thinking the boy was cute. But the boy was very poor and was also very smart. He had one of the highest grade point average in the UK, but since he was so poor, people didn't acknowledge it.  He had a mom, dad, and younger sister.

Dan could easily make an arrangement. He could give the family money in exchange for their boy. It's perfect. The boy was small and cute. He looked quiet and shy, which was also nice.

Dan showed Chris and his best friend just shrugged. "He's a good fit. You should go meet him and make a decision afterwards. You should meet the others too. Just in case." Dan agreed, though deep down it felt like he didn't need to. He wanted the young boy.

But he still hauled his family with him to meet the families, he saved the boy for last. He didn't like the first girl, she was pretty and the arrangement was good, medical attention for her sick mother, but the girl was so sooty and selfish. She was a brat. She acted nothing like a 22 year old should.

The next family was too hard to work with. They wanted money, but didn't want their son to marry another man. Or if he did get married, he'd have to stay at their house. Dan turned them down, hard, and left with cold feet. He almost had the urge to call them names. 'Homophobic assholes' being on the top of the list. The man wasn't even that interesting anyways, so he wasn't too sour about it.

The last girl before Philip wasn't as great as he thought she was. The girl obviously wasn't expecting them, as her face and attire were disgusting. She really did clean up nice when she had too. Dan wasn't trying to be mean, but she was disgusting. He said no very fast.

He was starting to get discouraged as they made their way to Rossendale. It was the late afternoon, and Dan was already tired. He was hoping the cute small boy wasn't a disappointment.

They got out their car and walked to the front door of the small rickety house. The whole neighborhood was run down. Homeless people roamed the streets and all the houses were falling apart. The road was cracked and the lawns were dirty and untrimmed. 

Dan knocked and they waited patiently. The door creaked open, revealing a short older woman. She smiled sweetly at them, obviously not caring about the richness of them. Or if she did care, she was good at hiding it.

"Hello what might I do for you?" "Is this the Lester household?" "Yes it is." "I'd like to talk to you about Philip." "If it's about his grades then we will decline." "No it's not about that. It's a marriage proposal." She gave Dan a questioning look and let the family in.

They talked about the deal, and the parents seemed to agree. It was starting to get late and Dan wanted Philip to get here sooner. It was starting to get awkward and Dan was anxious.

Finally, the front door opened and shut again, and after a short pause in the hallway, he appeared in the living room. He looked hesitant. He must've seen the car outside. Dan scolded himself, of course he had noticed that car. It was bound to stand out in this neighborhood.

Phil began to make dinner for his family and they talked. The boy was shy, but kind. He didn't make much eye contact but answered questions politely and did what was asked of him. Except for a boy by the name of Adam, everything went smoothly and Dan was ready to make his decision. He wanted Philip Lester as his husband.
End of flashback.

And here they are. Things were going slow, but still. There was progress. Dan had recently found out that he loved the feel of Phil's lips on his. The boy wasn't as inexperienced as Dan thought he'd be, so that kind scared Dan. Was Dan not Phil's first kiss? If not, who was it? Dan didn't know that much about Phil's past. Maybe that's something they should talk about at some point.

After 3 beers, Dan cut his meeting with Chris short and said he was heading home. He wanted to see Phil. He wanted to hold the young boy in his arms. Baby steps, slow progress. Soon, Dan will say it. He'll definitely say it as soon as he can.

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