2: An old friend

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[Jack's POV]

[Bad Karma - Alex Thesleff]

I wiped the sweat from my head 'I hate these damn dreams, it's like always the same, guy... I know I'm not gay but I guess I'm not exactly straight either.' I shudder as I remember that deep voice..it's so hypnotizing.

I shake my thoughts 'Jack stop, fucking christ.' I sigh and get out of bed "ugh, I'm staaarving!" And I remember, I need to get groceries. Then my what ifs come in. 'What if I die? What if someone takes me and tortures me in a shed? I'm so damn scrawny, I can't put up a fight!!!'

I face-palm,"I need to get my shit together!" I get up and run to the bathroom to shower and change to get food.

[After The Shower]

I slip on some clothes, my usual outgoing outfit; my blue hoodie with dark blue jeans and black converse.

I walk out into the cold Autumn air, sighing, I close my door and make my way to the store, which was kinda crowded.

I look around the place after picking my food out, mostly consisting of; things for sandwiches, cookies, and just plain unhealthy things, but who gives a damn, right? I'm an adult!

"Now...where are they.." I look for a certain isle 'yess! Video games!' I make my way to it in the most childish way.

I look through the many play station games, humming happily, then almost hitting someone with the cart.

"W-Woops! Sorry Sir!" I almost yell out super loud.

"That alright...wait.., Jack?" The man says and I look up closely at the man.


[A/N: AUs...AUs everywhere! Okay so yeee Game Grumps shall be characters in here maybe some other YouTubers, but this will really on focus on YouTube gamers and of course, Jack and Mark! And if you don't know who the Game Grumps are then I really recommend them, they are amazing!]

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