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You really should no better than to think France wouldn't have invited you over if you weren't going to be playing some morally compromising game, Which you were, with the help of America no less. You sat cross legged in France's living room, it seemed most all the countries were here talking and complaining about the overzealous French man and the obnoxious American.

You heard Austria being pestered by Prussia near the couch and Italy was annoying Germany, per usual. South Italy sat near you staring at them and you heard him mutter something about "That potato bastard."

You even saw the reclusive Denmark and some other Scandinavian countries

"Oh Hon Hon." laughed a tall longhaired blonde man as he entered the room dramatically, his bright blue eyes sparkling.

So like thought

"Welcome to my humble abode I hope you enjoy tonight's entertainment, I'm sure I will." He finished with an eyebrow wiggle and a hungry gaze set towards Hungary.

"Now keep quiet you damn comies and listen to the hero!" shouted another attractive blonde man with short hair and glasses covering his bright blue eyes.

"You're all gonna play this game and you're gonna love it." He boasted. You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone blocking out the rest of his spiel sending a text to your friend about leaving the freak show when a France shoots a hand out in front of you,

"Ah mon chéri thank you for volunteering." You look up to see France smiling at you holding a black bag

"For what?" you ask scrunching up your eyebrows in confusion

"Oh hon hon onl-"

"ONLY THE GREATEST GAME of my invention." Interrupted America pushing France out of the way.

You only stared at him quizzically,

What are we playing scrabble or something? You thought

"Seven Minutes in heaven!" France says shoving the American out of the way

You stared at them blankly; you recollected images or your teenage years being shoved in small closets with foul horny teenage boys

"That sounds terrible." You say your (e/c) eyes looking up at their blue ones

"Nah come on it will be fun just pick something dudette." America insisted

You saw everyone looking at you intently so you decided it be best to play along with their stupid game for now, I mean it couldn't be that bad, these weren't the foul boys of your youth. Some you wouldn't complain about being locked in a closet with, even with it being only seven minutes.

"Okay..." you say reaching your hand into the black bag gingerly maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

You felt so many different textures it was hard to get a hold of anything

But your hand finally reached something and you grasped it tightly.

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