Chapter 3:Drunk

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(A.N: so there is some really bad stuff in this chapter. I wouldn't read it if you're upset easily. Also, this is for my Brenda, _Give_Me_Ed_, cause it's her birthday :))

Ed's POV:

Beverly Johnson. The girl with the purple hair. There are a few moments in your life when you stop and realize that everything is going to change.

I knew that I was never going to be the same when I heard her voice. Something in me came out. If I closed my eyes, I could see my house when I was younger. I could feel the bite of the fall wind. I could feel the weight of the thoughts that I used to have looking out my windows at the street lamps. I could go numb head to toe with the way I felt.

My instant thought was to find out who she was and make music with her. There is so little music that can awake parts of you that you forgot existed. Traces of the self that you used to be; what lead you to be who you are.

Looking back on the process, I realize that I rushed into everything. I just showed up one day hoping that she would actually want me to help her with her music. I mentally slapped myself a few days after we began recording. I should've know to give myself a safe distance between her to not seem so eager, but I couldn't help myself. Especially because she seemed to feel the same level of comfort that I did around her.

I felt light. Like nothing else could really ever make me feel heavy again.

I fell very quickly.

"Okay, I've got a question for you!" she said, pointing at me and losing her balance. The girl had 5 beers so far, and was on a roll.

I knew how to handle being drunk a little better than her.

"Okay, I'm ready," I laughed, smiling at her clumsiness.

"Whyyy do you have such a cute nose?" Immediately after her question, a few giggles escaped her lips.

"What do you mean, Bev?" I laughed.

She furrowed he eyebrows and stared at my in concentration. She had leaned in closer to my face and nearly fell off of the barstool. "I mean, your nose just kind of wooooooooooo," her finger moved gown the bridge of my nose and landed on the tip with a poke, "boop!" Her giggling commenced.

"I just don't know, Bev. I guess I was just born with a pokable nose." I was trying so hard to take her seriously, but not laughing was so difficult. "So I'm guessing that you're happy about this decision?" I grinned, I raised my voice trying to be louder than the music.

She took another long drink and nearly spilled her beer all over herself. "I'm sooooooo happy to be here. I haven't been drunk in forever! I love it! I love that you brought me! This is the greatest night ever!" she shouted, standing up waverly from her chair.

I grabbed her arm and she hummed in response with a huge smile on her face. "Woah now, it seems that you're just a little bit drunk now."

She laughed in response as I held her up under both arms now. About a half hour before, her untameable purple hair had been thrown up into a bun that shouldn't have looked so good, but matched her disgruntled look. None of it took away from the fact that she was in fact beautiful at all times.

A piece of stray hair had fallen right in front of her eyes, causing her to cross them. "Oh hi," she smiled and laughed. She lifted her arms to touch the strand, but I held her arms still. "I made a friend, Ed." Her smile would not fade. Everything was just too happy for her at the moment.

I took the liberty of moving the hair from her face and she put on an overly pouty frown. "What did the hair ever do to you?" she protested irritably.

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