Chapter 1

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A/N: this is book to in the When it rains it pours series. This are just short stories that are about 10-13 chapters long.

Chapter 1

            “How have you been Walter?” I asked Walter once I entered his bedroom with his mom behind me.

            “It’s going great. I’ve been seeing a counselor regularly like we promised and my thought of suicide aren’t that bad anymore.” Walter explained as I took a seat. 

            It was the third week I’ve come to see Walter. He’s doing much better now than he was before. Counseling was really helping him.

            “Lets talk about what will happen if I can’t come see you.”

            “No, no, no.” Walter cried. “I know you can’t always be here but for now you’re like my inspiration.”

            The only reason I brought up me not coming back was because my ethics review was next week and I was sure I was going to get fired. I need Walter to know I may not always be around.

            “Walter you a strong kid. You have your mom here every step of the way.” I informed him. “I only brought this conversation up because I may not be here next week,” I tried to explain.

            “Why,” Walter cried.

            “A lot is happening at work,” I informed him. “But I will try to visit has much as I can okay.”

            “Okay,” Walter agreed.

            “How is school?”

            “My grades are improving. I got an A on my Algebra test.”

            “That’s great Walter.” Walter smiled at me. “I have to leave early because I have to go to court but I’ll stop by Monday.”           

            “Okay it was good seeing you.”

            I waved goodbye and followed his mom down to the front door.

            “You are really helping him,” Ms. Hart said as she gave me a hug. “Thank you for everything.”

            Once Ms. Hart released me I weaved by then headed to my mom’s BMW, which I have been borrowing for the past three weeks. I would buy my own car but I wasn’t sure I would have this job next week.

            I head to the court. I was testifying in Gina’s, Brooklyn’s mom court case. They were trying to put Gina in jail for life. Do I think that’s the right placement for Gina? No. Gina is suffering from dementia. She killed her own daughter because she didn’t recognize her. She’s not even aware her daughter is dead because she can’t remember.

            I still had to take the stand.

            “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God”

            “Yes,” I said as I took a seat.

            Because I was a witness on the prosecution list they questioned me first. They were trying to make Gina look bad.

            “Ms. Chamber…”

            “Just call me Trinity,” I cut in.

            “Why were you assigned Brooklyn’s case?”

            I explained everything that happened. “The hospital felt Brooklyn wasn’t being taken care of,” I ended.

            “When you visited the household of Brooklyn what did you see?”

            “Nothing out of the ordinary.” I answered.

            “Was Gina attentive to Brooklyn?”

            Looking back on it no Gina wasn’t attentive to Brooklyn. She barely acknowledged Brooklyn was in the room. Most of the time Gina wasn’t aware she had a daughter.

            “Answer the question Ms. Chambers,” The judge ordered.

            “Can you repeat the questions?” I asked the prosecution lawyer.

            “Was Gina attentive to her daughter Brooklyn?”

            “No she was not.”

            “Did she act motherly toward Brooklyn?”

            “Not at all,” I answered.

            “No further questions.”

            The lawyer took a seat then the defiance lawyer approached the bench.

            “Did you sense that Brooklyn was in danger?” The lawyer asked.

            “Not really,” I answered.

            “Yes or no?”

            “Yes.” I finally blurted out.

            “Why didn’t DSS do something about it?”

            “Objection your honor Ms. Chambers is not on trial.”

            I spent 20 minutes on the stand. I think the jury will realize Gina is not fully at fault because she’s sick. Unfortunately, I’m sure everyone in the court room blames me for the death of Brooklyn. To be honest I blame me too. I didn’t listen to my gut. I listened to my supervisor who has no problem letting me take the blame for everything. Ms. Harper is claiming she never went with me to visit Brooklyn. This woman is really claiming she’s never met Brooklyn.

            “You did well,” Ethan said once I excited the court room.

            He was right behind me.

            I turned to face Ethan. “What are you doing here?”

            “Moral Support,” he answered.

            I closed the space between Ethan and I by spiriting towards him. I leaped up and wrapped my arms around. All the tears that I was hold back in the court room came pouring out once I was in Ethan’s arms.

            “It all my fault” I cried.

Trinity’s failed engagement is the less of her worries now. Her back stabbing cousin can’t even top the day she’s having. Her ethic’s hearing is fast approaching and she could potentially lose the job she just got and her license to practice. Losing her job maybe the least of her worries when her one night stand comes back to bite her in the ass. Now her potential romantic relationship with Ethan could be ruined. Trinity will learn nothing good last forever. When it rains it pours.

When it rains, It pours--Book 2Where stories live. Discover now