First Time Meeting

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I guess it didn't matter whether I stayed at Tyga's or not, since I'm already ten minutes late for the meeting at Epic's.

"Well, Mr. Brown, glad to see you made it," Mike greeted upon my arrival.

"My bad, Mike. Traffic, you know? Good morning everyone," I came up with a lame ass excuse, before grabbing a doughnut and taking a seat at the seemingly crowded table. A wave of good mornings and what's ups made its way through the room.

"Mhm, as long as you're here, it's fine," Mike replied, before continuing the tour details, most of them I already heard on our phone conversation the night before, so I took my time examining the room.

There were some people I already met like, Jacob Latimore, Jawan Harris, Mishon, and K. Young, but then there were some I didn't know, but I wasn't really trying to. I already know how it works. You get a shit load of artists, they all have different tour buses, and hardly ever see each other during the whole thing.

"So we're going to have most of you be opening acts for the co-headliners," Mike rambled, but one word caught my ear.

"Co? Who's co-headlining?" I spoke up, through a mouthful of food.

"We thought we would surprise both of you, but it's--" he was cut off with the door abruptly being pushed open.

"My bad, everybody. Didn't realize how light the door was," Drake walked in, awkwardly standing at the head of the table. Everyone instantly greeted him, except for me. This shit can not be happening right now. God continued to ridicule me, and people wonder why I play the Devil's advocate. I adverted my attention to my phone, yet again.

"It's fine, Drake. You can have a seat right over there," Mike pointed at a seat right next to me that I didn't seem to notice before. Who the fuck put that shit right there?

He sat down and didn't even acknowledge my presence. I don't know if anyone could feel the tension, but that shit was killing me.

"I'm going to assume you guys haven't met, yet." Mike called out in front of everyone.

I forced myself to clear my throat, "We met alre--"

"Yeah it's our first time meeting. What's up, dude?" he reached out to shake my hand. I didn't know what to think. I shook his hand back to save face, but I didn't know what the hell that was about. I guess it's apart of acting like nothing ever happened. The meeting seemed to go on forever, some things being reiterated for parts that Drake missed and then basic rules for the acts that were going on the road for the first time. Any other time I would be bored out of my mine, but I'm not going to lie, I was on edge right now.

"Okay, well since the first is in a little less than a month, I suggest you all get with your creative directors and make sure your set in perfect for your allotted time. Thank you everyone, I look forward to seeing you again, soon. Hopefully well prepared," Mike concluded. Thank fucking God!

Everyone left collectively, except for me. I watched Drake when he left, seeing if he would say anything, or even look at me. When he didn't, I relaxed, wondering how is this tour going to work. I'm just glad we most likely won't be seeing each other the whole time.

"Chris, you good? You seemed pretty tense the whole time," Mike observed. I knew that shit was obvious.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I was just surprised is all," I halfheartedly told the truth.

"You don't like it? We thought you two would be great, and it'll bring more of a hip-hop appeal to the show. Plus, girls love Drake." he stated. He was right, Drake's music was appealing to girl and he was a rapper.

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