
467 14 1

" I dare everyone to kiss who they like and throw the person they hate into a pit of snakes"

" i dare everyone to play charlie charlie and for ahsoka to play ouija board alone"

Ezra- ok, which first, us with the hate and like, play charlie charlie, or ahsoka playing ouija?

Ahsoka- BTW, whats ouija?

Everyone- ........

Ahsoka- what?

Sabine- um... Its like this * whispers the meaning in her ear*

Ahsoka- O.O... Are you sure they are serious?!

Hera- sadly

Kanan- ok... We'll do the like and hate first. I know a place. Hera, fly the ship to coruscant, theres a pit of snakes there

Hera- why in the galaxy will there ever be a pit of snakes in coruscant?

Kanan- dunno. I knew the pit when i was little. And i was almost thrown in the pit because of my friends before

Hera- ok, i dont wanna know your life story. Now, coruscant it it. * flies the ship to coruscant* we're here

Everyone- *goes down*

Zeb- looks... Bigger than imagined

Sabine- yup

Kanan- ok, theres are ladders here so incase we get pushed.

Ezra- who first?

Chopper- * pushes zeb then zaps him*

Zeb- woah.... Oh no you dont COME HERE* pulls chopper with him while falling*

Hera- * kisses kanan* i like you but....* pushes kanan* thats for pushing me last time!

Sabine- * kisses ezra*

Ezra- * face turns red*

People who fell in the pit- * climbs up the ladder*

Hera- wow, you survived

Kanan- i had my lightsaber with me

Hera- oh yeah....

Ezra- next game, charlie charlie* folds piece of paper and get 2 pencils and writes yes or no*

Sabine- me first, charlie charlie, does ezra like me?

Ezra- O?O

Pencil- * turns to yes*

Sabine- * smiles*

Ezra- my turn, charlie charlie, does everyone think that i am stupid?

Pencil- * moves to yes*

Ezra- -_-'

Kanan- next, charlie charlie, did i complete my training?

Pencil- * moves to no*

Kanan- obviously

Hera- charlie charlie, are we safe from the empire and darth vader?

Pencil- * moves to no*

Ahsoka- charlie charlie, will i survive the game ouija later

Pencil- *not moving*

Ahsoka- * sweats*

Pencil- * moves to yes*

Ahsoka- * sighs* thank you

Zeb- charlie charlie, do i really smell?

Pencil- * moves to yes*

Sabine- ok.... Ahsoka heres the board

Ahsoka- i have survived the jedi order...

Kanan- hey! I did too!

Ahsoka- wanna play?

Kanan- nevermind, nevermind

Ahsoka- okay, wish me luck

------5 min.-------

Sabine- whats taking her long

Ahsoka- * comes in*

Ezra- so, hows the game?

Ahsoka- i dont wanna talk about it.

Kanan- well .....

Everyone- BYE!!!

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