Chapter 7

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Finally looking around him, after a tense ride, he could see the woods up ahead, but he wasn't in the forest anymore. Haomath had slowed the pacing. This hidden place was full of stones and bushes, nested was some kind of pond, a lagoon that was surrounded with dark slippery rocks. The lagoon itself was beautiful and he noticed hot steam in the surface. Actually this place was warmer than the forest. Henry could see the shade of the castle in the distance. This must be the hot spring.

Still with the arm around him, Haomath leaned in to kiss his ear a few times, which made Henry's heart set off again. He tried not to move, and Haomath didn't seemed to notice.

Haomath dismounted from the horse and Henry saw him carefully take of his own cape, boots, and shirt. Henry, head still pounding, managed to take his fill of the muscular chest in front of him. But now, instead of admiring his strength, he was scared.

He drew a deep breath to calm his thoughts, but no good came. Still numb, still feeling like a giant cube of ice lodged itself in his abdomen.

Haomath smiled at him, a full smile for the first time. When he came to get him out of the horse, Henry in instinct leaned back. Haomath said a soft word and came to get him anyway. Henry tried to stop him but he was like a vice, a slows strong vice that wrapped itself around his waist and didn't give. Henry finally, hesitantly, let himself be taken. Haomath put him on the floor and hugged him in reward, rubbing his hands across his back making him arch.

Why was Haomath doing this to him? If only Henry knew the man wanted to use him that way he would never had agreed to the hunt. Henry was scared to start another fight, Haomath could lose control this time and then Henry would be damaged just like the whores he got a glimpse of in the alleys of Mithlond, the ones Alinor claimed to have visited but never had any proof. Maybe if he pretended to be compliant, Haomath would leave him alone until they came back to the castle and then Henry could run away.

Haomath was touching him again, down his waist this time. Violent Hullians. Could Haomath really get angry with him to the point of beating him up? Well, he knew that. Haomath could get angry enough to hit him, but when would he hit to hurt? The king hadn't struck Henry as someone cruel.

Maybe all those touches were building up to this, maybe the barbarian was used to bringing boys here to fuck. That made him angry. Somehow, all the presents and the attention made him feel special. Henry whined and felt tears in his eyes, he forced his arms against Haomath's chest, but it was like a wall. He saw him take his too big fur cape off, following by his belt, and then he took both their pants off. Too soon he was trembling on his linen underwear which was too ridden off easily, restraining himself not to hug Haomath for warmth.

Haomath nudged him to the lagoon, and he shook his head, but Haomath walked him to it with a little incentive of strong hands on the small of his back pushing him forward. Haomath made him enter first and dropped carefully down after him, and the water went to his stomach.

The pool was hot. That was the first think he notice.

He swam down on it, and surfaced moving the water with his hands, slightly distracted. How could it be so hot?

Haomath wrapped his arms around him from behind and nudged him to the border. Trapped in the corner, he clutched at the rocks for support, while Haomath carefully washed away his skin, getting rid of the mud mixed with snow from when he fell. Henry could only hope the king would left him alone when he was done with the washing, but he couldn't fool himself to believe it.

Haomath's fingers traveled down his chest rubbing his nipple in the process and he swallowed, body trembling. The warrior didn't seem to notice it. He felt his skin getting hotter and hotter, and he glued himself to the rocks.

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