Chapter 1

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Henry could barely contain his excitement.

In his chamber of the castle, he saw the servants packing his clothes and books. With nothing to do, he paced back and forth. Now and then he paused and offered help, but they only frowned at him.

The sun was peeking in the horizon, the castle awoken with screams and loud talking.

He walked to the windows and gazed at the dawn behind the slightly dusty glass. Mithlond was such a warm country. Not only the weather, but the people too, always hugging and smiling. He wondered what the cold would feel like.


Henry turned from the window and saw his brother leaning on the door of his chamber.

He scowled.

"Told you not to call me that, Alinor."

Alinor gave him a crooked smile. The third born, his brother was an awkward figure. One leg was slightly shorter than the other, so he leaned to one side too much and limped. Also very shy among strangers, and putting his foot in his mouth more times than he could afford it. But his black curls and mischievous blue eyes made impossible to call him ugly.

He walked inside the room, giving space for the four servants to walk out with the bags and a big chest.

"Father told me to take you to the horses. We're almost leaving." He leaned on the window looking at the green fields the morning sun was brightening up. Henry looked up at him, grin on his face.

"Already? Why didn't you came sooner?"

"You won't even miss here will you?" Alinor snarled.

Henry inclined his head and stared at him confused.

"But it will only be a month..."

"My ass will freeze there!"

He sighed turning away from him. "I know your leg will hurt a bit, but think about all the new things we'll see!" He pleaded.

He turned and slipped away from his room, walking down the halls knowing his brother was on his heels.

"The only thing I want to see is the way back. You know what they say about Hullians!"

"Don't you dare say these things in Hull! Father said they can be violent if offended."

"That only proves it! How do we know they are better than barbarians? Diana will probably be eaten alive! I heard they're cannibals-"

Henry laughed. "That's just rumors. Diana's marrying the king, so you better be nice to him."

They descended the last stairs, Alinor leaning on his shoulder, and walked out to the carriages. They had everything ready, his sister was already inside the bigger carriage, where he and Alinor would be too. There was one separated for his parents.

"Ah, there are the boys! Go on in, if we hit the road now we might get there in a little less than a week." His father said loudly beside the horses.

He walked in and sat beside Diana. The carriage was comfortable and full of cushions and he sighed leaning against them.

"Are you scared, Diana?" He looked sideways at his sister.

She narrowed her eyes. "Scared? Of the king?"

He nodded. "Yes. Alinor said they aren't any better than... barbarians."

Everyone cringed a the name.

"Anything is better than barbarians. And I am not afraid. I like that they are very tall... and handsome." She giggled. Alinor grunted in disgust, but they ignore him.

"And if they are bad people, father wouldn't be doing this, right? We're safe!" She smiled.

When the carriage started to move, Henry could not contain a giggle.

"You laugh at my misery, Fey." Alinor snarled.

Henry bumped hard at him with his shoulder.

"Don't be a bore. You can stay inside the hearth when we get there, for all I care. I'm going to hunt mountain bears." He sighed wistfully.

Alinor gave up and turned around, deciding to mock Diana instead. "So, tall and handsome, really? That was what convinced you?" He asked.

"Well, they are taller than you." She smirked. "And that is more than enough for me, my dear brother."

His father had spent the whole month teaching him and his brothers about the costumes and traditions of the Hull country. Henry had to admit being a little overwhelmed by some traditions.

"You'll marry a king. You have to be afraid." Henry said, empathy bubbling in his chest.

Diana was twenty, and his mother said she was way past marriage time. They were all scared she'd have to go to the temple or be left to rot in the castle, when his father told them about the marriage, out of nowhere.

"If I could have my way, I wouldn't marry anyone. What I really want is to become a healer." She sighed. "But the best thing now is to make father happy."


She fiddled with her hands, looking at anywhere but Henry's eyes.

"I am a little afraid, but what's the point to wonder?" And Henry sat quiet. He would never be brave like that.

Then his mind sidetracked to the mountains of Hull. And the white snow. The scary bare trees and clean sky at night. Oh, the tales he heard. Sometimes... scary tales, but he's also willing to put his own prejudices aside. He knew he was very charming, all the ladies said so to him, so he would probably befriend the royal family very easily.

Henry was the younger son at eighteen, and the fairest. His hair was of a chestnut color that he got from his mother, and his eyes were grey like his father's. His brothers made fun of him for not being very tall. His people, his father explained one day, were famous for the fair skin, auburn hair and noble gestures. Hullians, mostly, were tanned of skin, dark of hair and very rough, he said.

Honestly, Henry was against the marriage of Diana. He didn't thought it was fair to marry her with another when she didn't wanted to. If only he could talk to the king and see if things could be solved in another way...

"Diana... If you want to, I could-" Henry whispered at her.

"No, Henry. Please don't do anything." She looked more angry than sad. "It's just how things are."

The carriage started to bump and shake along the road, and Henry frowned at Diana. She didn't look very scared.

In fact, everyone was acting weird around him lately.


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