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Beads of sweat trickled down my forehead and landed on the pavement as I walked steadily toward my house. The air was humid; the clouds seemed closer to the ground, creating spectral silhouettes making the surrounding awfully gloomy.
I took long strides now, as a cold droplet of rain fell on the back of my neck which made me tremble with fear. I was always afraid of the rain.

I remember when my nana died in a car accident during a heavy rain. The driver apparently didn't notice nana because all the rain falling on his car's windsheild, blurred his vision. Also, on the day of her funeral, my mom told me it's going to rain again, and surprisingly, it did.
"Rain means death." Those few words stuck to my mind since then and its been 3 years and I still believe it.

I mentally kicked myself for missing the bus. I wonder how worried my mom is. She always advises me to come home from school as soon possible because our neighborhood is filled with robbers and rapists. You see, we live in a very small apartment building with only two bedrooms. My dad was kicked out of his former job because he was late to work. I mean, he should at least get one chance, he had to attend nana's funeral.
So, we didn't have enough money to afford living in our old bungalow after dad got a job as a manager of a small library.

My thoughts were interrupted when I caught a glimpse of the door to my house. I smiled wearily and dragged my heavily drained body toward it.

I knocked twice or thrice, loud enough, thinking that my mom must've slept. I waited a little longer before I hesitantly pulled my keys out of my pocket.

By the time I got in, my clothes clung to my body like a second skin and my hair matted on my forehead. I decided to rush upstairs to my room and get changed but I stopped mid way when I heard loud bangs coming from my parent's bedroom.

Without wasting a second, I sprinted upstairs and was welcomed by my dad shouting his lungs out. I pressed my ears on the cold wood and listened carefully.

"I told you to stay away from that bastard!" I heard him shout, which was followed by another bang.

"Tell me! Did you sleep with him?" He cried and I heard something which sounded like a slap.

My mom whimpered in pain and said something inaudible. Instantly, the loud bangs continued without pause and I could hear dad grunting with each hit.

I pushed the door open and saw dad standing in front of mom's motionless body. He had a large wooden vase in his hands which was now dripping blood. 

I gasped in horror, my stomach churned in dismay. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I dashed forward to see mom's head completely smashed and the enormous amount of blood pooling under it.

I heard the wooden vase fall. I turned to see dad and my heart twisted in agony.
How could he?

He fell on the floor, pressing his hands on his face as his shoulders bounced rhythmically.

"I didn't want to...." He said between sobs.

The times I spent with my mom immediately flashed in front of my teary eyes, reminding me, how caring, loving and understanding she was. I remembered her warm hugs after every bad day I had. Those sweet kisses of good night and those laughs we shared. Everything is over. I lost my best friend. I lost my mom.

I looked at mom's wide dead eyes and screamed until my throat went sore. With one last glance, I ran.


Heyy! I hope to see many reads in this new story.
I will be updating every now and then.

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